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roie . arIO. Ver.ic 712,0 which the wickedfeareth, fhail come vpon hits : Vcrfe, ; but Godwill graunt the defre of the righteous. The the world to come, which vngodly mien through the guiltinefle of their contciences are often fummoned vnto when God fhall draw their foule out of their body, they (hallcertainely fall into.And tl:oh iudgetnents,and xnifcries:of.this life, which theymoll hate, though they hope to efcape them, they are in danger to bring upon themfelues. And that which is moll defirable, and will be moil coma fortablc to Chrillians, the Lordwhich knowech what is mofi acceptable to them, andprofitable for thetn,will in due feafota leflow vpon then. That whschthe wickedfekareth, &c.\Vhatfocuer is mo`f con-11 wh;c Crary to the affeftion, and liking of finfull perfons, that they men mot} may expert to be plagued withall.This the Lord threatened !hall turely, to the rebellious andobliinate levees by theProphet E'z,ekiell, fall them., 1717111 take from them their power,the i9y oftheir henor,aheplea- fare oftheir eyes, and the de/ire oftheir heart, theirfines anal their daasghters. Etek 24. 25. The things which they are al- together vnwilling, to depart with,thofewould hee flrip them of : and confequently,that which they would bee very loath to beare,lltould heauily bee laid vpon them. Firti,ordinarily they feare that which is the moll proportiso., Reafon, nable, &proper punillament of their offences.As proudmen haue nothing in fo great deteflation,as reproach, & contempt, and nothing is fo,tnuch clue vnto them as to bee contemned, Secondly, `their feare . and dread of falling into thole evils, 2 loth caufe them to feeke the pretiention of them by euiIl nneanes,and thereby they take the way to inforce the fpeedie executionof them. As they that would (lie farre from necef- ftie and want,by Nally getting of riches, and ftibliance, doe very oftenprouakepouertic to cone Cwiftly withviolencecps on them. Trou. 2 8., z s . Thirdly, the Lord doth make choife of, and frngleth out fuch manner of iudgemcnts as íhall moll fling them,& come neared totheir bearts,and thofß: are theywhich are molt .ij. rterib:e