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Fvs . C.'up.1o.Ver.24.. __ . 1.5. rible to them. What could hauc beene fo grieuous to Haman, as fir(} to.bce made ( !O ókctxer pr7ge, and then afterwards to bee hanged vpon the gallowes, thenwhich nothing could bee inmeniet more<horrible'to hiri, tid therefore :lice had->zoui. sled it foreitfordecay whom hee moli mottally°hated ? tnflru(ìion, firfi. to fence our 'fettles. againfl the imitation of the wicked, and defiire of Their flate, by confidering how wretched,arid milerable their eändìt on is Enen prefcntly they àre arrefIed, and Ater a 'forrapprehencded with feares r hell and defhtuClion doe fométimes Phew rhernfelues vnto their foules; and in time to come,vnlefre they repent,they (hall haue full pofTefsion of them. Secondly, to free our tellies from all our feares, by flying to the Lord for fitccour, againff the rrifr chiefes which, wewoulcl not fall into,-8c for repentance & hu- miliation againfi the fins that wold draw themvponour heads. } z, Rut God Will graunt, &c. The bea way to haue our wills Ua mens fatiffied,is to bee Godly. For to filch there is a promifemade res fhalbc that .Godwillfulfill the defires of them that fame him. Where unted. in vet thefe rules are to bee obferued : Firf}, that our will bee agreeable to Gods will,the deliremuff bee holy,and feafoned with the fpirít; and not carnali, and corrupted by the flefh. 1.145.x9. 'Dauid in a pafsion would needes know how longhee was to ;.w hue. And lames and Iohn would haue fire to come from hea- 1 . Lien to deflroy a whole towne, and an other time they made 'lute to bee the fecond men of the whole earth. Thefe petiti- `óns were not graunted,becaufe they were not aduifedly asked, nor fafe for them to bee obtained. Secondly, that fometimes jawfull defires are not performed in the farne kinde, but ex- - 'Changed for better,and that which doth more good is beflow- ed in fleedeof them.c 5 ofes defired to enter into the land of Canaan, hee was denied that, but hee mired fowler into the heauenly and blefíed ref} ofeuerlafling life. Paul would bauc beene perfeetly freede from all originali corruption, or at lean: from the flirrings, and working of it, but it bode not with the wifedome ofGod to yeeld that vntohim : but hee 'afsifled him with grace ao.ainfl it, whichwas much more for his owne glory, and the found comfort ofPauls confcience. Thirdly,