Poaer s.0 ap,1o.ver.24 hirdly, that wee tarry the Lords leafure, and depend on his hand, to minifter in fitte(} time, all thole good things which our foules delire, and fo wee !hall not faite to receiue them, when hee Teeth that they will bee molt expedient for vs. Fir(}, bee rayfeth vp the heart to feeke for them, hee incli- i ,th the foule, fo much to long after them, and therefore it peas his purpofe to bellow them. 'Pfd. i c, i 7. Secondly,he giueth the fpirit of faith, & prayer whichwill 2 haue no nay : they neuer fultaine any repulfe,whatfoeuer they 1>>y holdon,they make it their owne.Iohn.t 5.7. I./A.5.14.15. T hirdly,heecalïethvs to him by commandement to feeke all good things at his hand,and incourageth vs to the fame by 3 promifes. Pfalz'.,4,. and therefore his Mlle truth is our fecu- ritie for them. Fourthly,his all fiifficiencie,and abfolute abilitie for perfor- mance doth aboundantly exceede all the defres of all the faithfull,yeaof all creatures, though they were neuer fo ample, and feruent. Ephef.3 .20. Firft, confolation to righteous inen,againfl the defeas that Vie. a: are in their foules, and the necefsitiesofElate, and body, they are bell prouided for both : for fo great is the credite which they haue in the court ofheauen, and their fauour with the kingofheauen,that they aske, and haue : defire,and preuaile : and if theybee not forward inough that wayes, they !hall bee called vpon toput in their petitions, and inlarge their delires. Iohn.i6.24.`Pfal.8i.ro. Secondly, terror for their enimies, that by tiranny,and vio- 2 fence compel! them to complaineof them.So far as the Lord is readie to gratifie them by granting all goad things which they aske, fo far is he alto prouoked to punifh their aduerfa- vies and opprefCors that caufe them to cry. r.ris the whirlewinde pafreth, fo is the wickedno more but therighteous is aneuerlafingfoundation. The meaning of the words is, that vngodlymen, howfoe- aer they flourifh for a time, yet doe fodainely come to ruine, anddeftruaion,as the whirle-winde fwittly blowethouer,and P.iij, is 109 ì Reafons. s Vcrfe.zs;