Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Ito FrDUerkJ,Chap,tover. $ . is lefre confiant, and permanent then the ordinarywindè isp, though there bee no f}abilitic in any. But when it is laid, they are nomore,he loth not intimate any mortalitie oftheir fòules, as though they fhould be wholy.diflolued as brutebeans : for: their foules are euerlafiing as well as Gods peoples, and their bodies rhail be raifed vp againc at the day ofthe. Lord afwell as the Saints,: but it is their hope and happineffe,andnot their being that perifheth, they (hall neuer recouer any good cfia *.e any rnore.Nowagainfi there are let the rightcous,v hofe foule,and body,andbleffednefe haue a felled fafetie as afoun, dation that can neuer be remoued : So that this is the oppoÌi- lion : the wicked are as a whirle-winde, and fo ore nomore :. but the righteousare like a firme foundation,. and fo perpe. tually retnaine. Though the flate of the vngodly bemore ruffling,then the godly men feruants ofGod, yet the fiate ofGods feruants is more cer- uefare tainc and liable then the vngodly ones. The whirle winder men mounteth aloft,and tofTeth vp hay,and firaw,and íiubble,and , 4ueafirme filleth mens eyes with dufi,and con:methviolentlyvpon thcm undation, with a bluf?eringblafl,but immediately it is gone,&p fled far away : the foundation .lyeth low in the ground, and is neither feene,nor heard,yet there it continueth immovcable for ninny generations. The vnconflant, and tickle ef}ate ofwickedmen is fitlyexprefred by liuelyccniparifons in theprophefie of Ho goC.r3, fea. Theyíhall be as the morning cloud, and ad the morning dew that p4eth away As the. chaffe that is driven with a whirle winde out ofthe floore,and as the fmoak that goeth out ofthe chimney. The contrary firmitude, and fiabilitie of the Godly is by our Sauiour himfelfe likened to an ho.ufe that is built on a rocke:. and the ninefell, and the floods came, and live windes blew, and beat that houfe,and it fell not : for it was grounded onarode. Firf}, the one fort have beetle as vnconflant in their wales, and as eafily blowen from fin to finne, as the chaffe,and duff;.. and withered leaues haue beene carried vp and dowse with thewinde,and ifthey haueentred intoany good courfe,there haue beetle no more fledfatinefre in them,then is in the morn, ranig cloud, and morning devve. ¡fa.. 64. 6, Hof. 0.4. The ° their