Bier haue rooted and Celled afwell in faith,as in all faithful] be. hauiour: and for theft, caufes the one fide away, and is gone tomifery,& the other remaine happy & bleífed for euer, Secondly, the one fort haue God, and his Angelis to pur- fue,and pufh them away :the other haue God,and his Angelis to vphold,and confirme them,that they benot moued from the fruition of his fauour. Terrow,for finfullmen whole fhort and momentanie pro- Vfe.aò fperitie fhall fo fpeeddly and (i dainely be turned intomifcrie. 1nf}ruftion,firít, not to afeet the pleafiures of fin, wherein may be a continual) exoeitarion offiuddaine deflruf}ion. Se- condly,not to repofeaffiance in any wicked perfon,tor though there were fotne conf}ancie in their hearts,or n:outhes,which feldorrie or netter falleth out, yet there is none in their life and elate. Pfal.146.3.4. Confolation to firth as are molef}ed with the boyulerous iempef}s of wicked men : though they rore lowd, they (hall not rage long,the Lordwill put afpeedie end to their crueltie. fz.t3.14. } vinegerk to the teeth,andfmorake to the e'er-lb ü the Verfe.% flothfssll tó them thatfendhim. s vinger,&e. That is, too much vineger,or other things Do&. that be íhajp,andCoure,doe fet the teeth an edge,and fmoake We mull b, doth bringboth fmart,and hurt to thetti'es: fo doth the (loth- wc;ful l full perfon, or he that is giuen to any other lewd behauiour, doth worke vexation of heart to them that fend him,or com- mit matter ofmoment unto him. He that imoloyeth in any feruice, vnworthic and carelefl'e perlons, (hall bring forrow and molef}ation vponhimfelfe. There is another prouerbe which tendeth to the fame pur. pofe,though the fimilitude be different: As though he (hould cut offhis m' tfengers feete, fo bee drinketh violence,or hurt, that fendeth amefI'age by a foole.`7'roa. z 6,6.1-1e doth as much iniurie to himfelfe,as if he fhould maime his meífengea of his feete, or make him lame ofhis legs : for as the one in that cafe Gould not be able to difpatch his iourney, to neither can the ether