Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

afuns.i. 3 c, r; other well perfotme the things that are committed tohis care and wifedome. It is a fpeeeh that is ordinarie in vfe, that nee muff neuer Tooke to fpecde well that fendeth a foole on his errand. Firf},there is peril offalfehood, and treachery, or ofmuch remifhenefhe, and negligence, or want ofdifci cation, and skil- fulneflè,by all which there groweth hurt,or lofiê, or trouble to hint that put him in trufl with his af}crires, as eJ'lephi6afïeth,, and Bcnhadadfound by the feruices of Ziba and Haz,aell. The curfe of GodBoth vfual!y accompany the a&ionsand waies of carfed (inners, and therefore they that aduenture to entertaine them, haue many times a part of the punifhment with them. Thirdly, all the faults, and abfurdities in word, or worke, of foolifh and finfull feruants arc imputed to the reproch of their maiflers that imploy them,and fo the forrow is caufed by fhame and infamie. Fourthly, the contrary will cleare the truth of this point. For ifgood feruants and faitlifull meffengers, be for the corn- fort,and credit,the fafetie & profit of fuch as do vfe them,then They that arc altogether ofan other manner ofaffeetion, and difpofition,cannot but worke an other mannerOf effeets, and confegnents. Admonition, to bee very heedefull to auoide that noifome finneofflothfulnef c which bringeth fo many inichiefes with it, both to our feines, for foule, and body,and flate>and name: and to others alfo,and thofe efpecially whom in (pedal] man- ner we owe dude unto. Secondly, to Make a wife choifepro-- uidentlyof filch as wee haue occafion to vie in any bufineffe, that their induflry and diligence, their prudencie and ditcrea- tion, their faithfulneffe and found dealing, maybee a refreíha ing and not a torment to vs. `Prou. s ; , 13. 3.1fwee haue oil? tamed fuch as bee notas fmoake to offend our eyes, but our eyes ay behold them,and their good bchauiour withdelight, let'vs not bee vineger to their teeth, or fmoake to their eyes let not our fourenette and difcootentment, our niggardlrneffe and ouermuch fparing,be anymeanes of their difcouragement. Dealt