tr-.. . .. -014 Deale kindely with them, and bee liberall to them, that thou matt' not onely retaine them flit' to be thy fcniants,but giue all good furtherance to the continuance of their vprightneffe. Thefeare oftheLord increafeth the clies : ba:t theleans Verfe, 27 ofthewicked arecutfhort. The feare ofthe Lord,c. That is true pietie,and religion, with the exercife alto of iuMice, and righteoulueffe, increa/eth the dayes, That is, as a meanes it preferueth thote that are in-; cluedwith it,fiom an vntimely death : but theyegres of:he wic- k d"hall bee cut of Their vngodiy and sinfull cottrfe aide is fometirnes an inllrument to bring them fpeedily to their end, as by furfets,and euili difeafes, or falling into the hands oldie magi" { rate, or by quarreling, and filch like. Sometimes it pro- uoketh the Lord to flay them in the middeft oftheir race, and not to fìtfler them to come to that age which by their ftrength and conflitution of body they might haue att«ined vnto.And in this fence the Prophet faith in thePfalmes, that the wicked Pfa1. f$,z3., (hall not lime out halfe their dayes. This dotrine of this verle Bath beetle handled already in the eleauenth verle of the for- mer Chapter. The patient abiding of therishteouí,'ball beladnee : Verfe, 2. , of but the hope the tricked(hallperifh. After that the children of God haue once imbraced his pro` anifes,afflilions and temptations doe vfually enfue thereupon, that it would feeme to fenceand fiethly reafon,that mifery and troubleswere the onely rewards of pietie, and obedience, and nothing elfeperformed to them that trufl in his word. Now therefore he fheweth that abetter {late and condicion remain- eth for them : that their lorrow ( halbe turned into ioy,& their mourning intogladnes,when the Lord (hall deliver them from troubles, and fulfill all his promifes. Which is illufirated and further amplified by the contrary cafe of the wicked : which, howfoeuer now they feeme to haue the preheminence,and are molilikely to preuaileheereafter,fhalI yet be deprived of their prefent profperitie, &fruf}ratedof all futureexpelation.This then