thenh theoppofition : Thehope of the righteous (hall pre= uaile,andbring then gladnefe: but the hope of the wicked hhall periíh, and fo worke them farrow. Do&. Thepatient abiding,&c. They whichdepend on God in their ey that in affluions, hall in due feafon be deliuered from them. Vpon i &ion wait this uround an exhortation is rayfed in an other place of this God Ihall boolce. Let thy heart be in the feare ofthe Lord continually. For ely finde farely there isan end,and thyhopeJhall riot becut o ffTrou.z3.17. C. 8. Though troubles and'forrowes are in appearance,perpe- t ail, & endlefre,yet they arebut temporarie, and come quickly to anend:though hope,&pofsibilitic of help feeme readie cone tinually to vani(h away,yet it neuer ceafeth,nor is taken away. eafons. ; Firft,there is nothing in alltheworld that is more infalliblie afuredófcertaine fuccef e,then thehope ofchriflians.It neuer miffeth of that which it aymeth at, nor any time difapointeth them that pofefe it.'gnj.)- .S.For faithdoth fipport it,& the truth and fidelitie ofGodhimfelfe is the foundation ofit. 2 'Secondly, thatwhich is long delayed, and much waited for is the more welcome, and acceptable when it is perfor- our3,I t. mod : fo fayth the holy Ghof}. Thehope that is deferred, is the fainting ofthe hart:but whenthe defrefrommeth it is a tree oflift. The vertue of it cureth al the former faintings,& the delight- . full tall cloth fvallow vp all theforrowes.If Ifaacke hadbeone borne to Abrabam,or Iacób to Ifaacke the firf} yeere after they were married, their ioy would huebeene but ordinarie,wher- as the longbarrenneffe made their birthes exceeding comfor- table to them, as the benefits were memorable to pofleritie. Thirdly, the delay doth draw out manie prayers to God, andmaketh way to attention at the minif}erie of the word, it helpethmeditation,it leadeth to faithful! comforters,it furthe- reth goodconferences,it procureth al goodexercifes,& all thefe goodexercifes procure aproportionable meafure ofcomfort. Fourthly, it giueth men experience of their faith, and pa- tience, and conflancie,which all declare,and tefliie the found- neffe and finceritie ofthe heart, which is the roote of found and holy comfort. Eddy, the longer it is before the Lord loth performe his promifesj