promifes,the larger his mercies arewhen heecloth bellow his biefsin;s,'Nhéhe prolongeth his feeding,he prouideth aplea tifufl haruci when he doth not prefentlie giue the rewad,he taketh tine to tell out much,that his gifts may be the treater. tncouragement to patience in all diítreff s,lct vs rarrie the Vfe.a. Lords leafure,andWaite vponhim,andhe hat by word &wri. tin` ,by feale,&oath vndertaken todel tiler vs out of the tti,í..0ur fauiour pronhiteth that in the greatefl troubles,w hen they .fhuld be Moil violently,& trc.acherouh1y,&vnnaturallie perfecuted, not onely'offorraineaduerfaries but oftheirdomeitic:al fì;mil- ars,of their friends,of their kinfinen, of their brethren,of their owne parents ; yet not one haire of their heads fhould perifh. Their haires. and heads might be cut off,and life might be to ken awá.y1,but not loft, they fhauld not.bee vainely bellowed, without goodare& in a holycaufe.Onely he admoniflìeth vs Luke,zi,t topoflef eourfelueswithpatience.ifwekeepeallfoundwith- in,euery thing (hall befa& both vvithin and without. And then We begin to lofe our aduantage when we kaue the poffefsion ofour fe,ues,and the power of our foules through difle.rnpers. Rcproofeof them that make mote hall thangood fpecde to 2 !hake off their crofles, bycorrupt courfes.. They deprive the Lordof that honor which they f °couldyeeld tohim,in waiting for his help, and themfelues,oi that- comfort which bee would baneyeelded to than together with his help. Their ioy will wither as corne that is cut dowse before it be ripe,and become abortive as a flit- bornechild; whereofthemother mifcarieth. But the hope, &c. Vn odiy men beguile thcinfelues with a DoE. z, deceitfull expeaation ofhappines. For the fame. point is 111 men Ice ly after repeted againe in the next Chapter,ver.7 When a wie- tng to áe h dcceiue ked man dyeth his hopepeuij7eth. When good men enter vpon iícmtclue poffefsionoftheir liappie eflate,the tertre offînners is out,aiid their leak determined,andBrowneout of date. Firfl,the Lord knoweth their purpofes,defires,andcxpeaa tions,andwill duely defeat them of the fame. `fat. Secondly,their hope arifèth not fô faith,nor is grounded on the promi(es ofdieword,but on fence,& fight ofprefét profperity. Thirdly,theyhope for things which are altogether impofsi- Qij. ble Rcafons,;