reuar,s. pipit 0. er.29, bic to come topaffle.As fcrul,to fee the euerfion and ouerthrow of Gods people. P'fal. t I:. i o. 'Mica.g. i r . r 2. Secondly, that God fhould faile ofhis iuiice& truth in executinghis threat - nings denouncedagainfl them. Deut.z9,2o: Thirdly, to take their fill of finfull pleafures heere, and to enioy alto felicitie and happineffe in the life to Eotne.Lul r 6a a . Vie. Confutation & terrours for them that liue ignorantly,& im- piouflie,& yet trufl to die bl effedly,&obtaine euerlafling life: They haue no other euidence for fafetie fromdamnation, but their opinion that they haue a flrongfaith, &whatfoeuer the preachers fay,they regard it not,they trufl that godwil be more mercifull then Co, they hope to be faued as well as the bell of them all.For fo their comparifons run :ordinarie Chri{bans are toobale for them to compare with,they mull equalize them- felues with the chiefe and principall. The way ofthe Lord is ftrength to the vpright man: but erre.z9. feare fhall bee to the workersofinicquitie. By theway ofthe Lord,is meant his whole adminillration, bothof his word,whereby he niaketh his will knowne, and of his fpirit whereby he giueth grace,&ofhis prouidence,wher- by he protcð his feruants,andperformeth all good things vnto them.By euerie one of thefe meanes,doethheellablifh & confirme both the hearts &Hates of filch as be faithfull.But as for the wicked,howfoeuer he fuller them for a time toproceed in their vngodly waies without anie great croffes,yet at laft he executeth filch iudgements vpon them,as the verie fight ther- of caufeth them to quake and tremble.Thus flandeth the op- pofìtion.The way of the Lord is flrength to the vpright, for preferuation,and therefore it workethboldneffe: but it weak- neth the wicked for deflruaion,and therfore it bringeth feare. The way ofthe Lord, &c.They that are moll godly, are in 1. bell fafetie.Thepoint bath bene handled in the firíl verle of the former chapter,concerning wifdomes feauen piliers. ° a But feare,&c.Tbey that be moll bold &ventrous to finne, forward (hall bemoll (rightedwith the unifhments ofit.In the r Pf. P 4' huare are uioft theProphet defcribing the conceits,conuerfation,& condition &ed t tic QE irreligious uikreant3,doth bring them in at the fiallaying as