Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

rouer s. ap,to Mat thereù no Goel,and therefore theycorrupt anddoe aabhomina- fight of. the hie workes : but afterwards declaring the event, hee theweth puuiihment that there they are talenwithfeare, and as the words are, they fearedwith feare, intimating the greatneffe of their dreadand terrour. Pfd. r 4.3% An example whereofwe haue fet downe before; namely, the fools-hardineffe, and cowardlinefl.e that Was found in Bel:batter. Dan.ç . Firít, the great guiltineflè that is in their confciences Both .difmay their harts,and daunt their courages. Secondly,the Lorddoth fhew himfelfe terrible in his fudge- 2 nients,and they finde and feele that they are not able toRand before him. fa. 3 3.14. Apoc. 6. z 6. r 7. Thirdly, their foolifh flattery whereby they haue illuded 3 themfelues,hath brought this miferyvpon them. For they pre- fumed ofpeace & fafety,and fo their deftrueiion commethfo- dainely without refif}ance. i .Thef. S .3 . And fo it is faid in ano- other place : They /hall bee taken withfeare,where nofeare was, that is, where was no fufpition of feare, or likelihood of dan- ger. Pfal. S3. 5 Inf}ruction, topreuent fin by fearing the iudgements that Vfa, will enfuevpon it.Iob.31.3. Secondly, to preuent the punifh- tnents, after that wee haue finned, by a holy voluntary feare and humiliation. z.Cór,7.1 i . Thirdly, to confirme our felues in both thefe,by fearing and tremblingat the wordoftheLord. Ifai, 66.2. Habac. 3 . t 6. The rizhteo;u (hall neuer be remoued,but thewicked/hall Verfe.3CY. not dwell in the earth. The righteoruJhallneuerberemoued.They fhall neuer be re- moued fromGods favour : they thall neuer be remoued from the conilant graces ofthe fpirìt in their foules:or hurtfülly,in theway ofa curfe,from anoutward good eflate,nor vnfeafona- bly be cut offfrom the earth.Now becaufe force ofthefe iudge- ments doe feeme fometimes to fall vpon force righteousper - fons,who for a feafonbe eclipfed ofgrace, and feparated from the fruitionand comfortable fight ofGods kindenefTe,and fa- uour towards them,& their &ate in appearance is wholy rui- ii, Dated ßeafons.6d