Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

erÇe,3r; crfe 3t, natedand ouerthrowne,therefore the word dothwell Isere icy, agreeably to the meaning of the holy Ghofl, to fay, that the' righteous (hellnot beretnouedforeuer.Though they fêere to be caft downe for a time, yet they (hall be reflored againe after- wards. Thecòntrary is heere affirmed concerning the cafe of the wicked, who shall certainly fall vnleflè they repent : they shall not continue in that eflatewherein they aremoil group, ded,andhauegreatefleflablitliment,thcy are fo far fi-orn mim- ing eternal! life in- heatien, as that the vengeance -of God Will not permit them long to keepe their ownebreath, or to hold theoutward pofrefsionsofthe earth. Theoppofition therefore in eff1:61. is this : The ri hteo;ts fhalz newer be rernoued, but haue anhabi-ation for euer in heaven : but thewicked fha1be remo ued,and not suffered fo much as to dwell in theearth,the fence: is the fame with,vei fe..zç Then.auth ofthe righteous will befruitfUll in wi/dome; but the tonáue of the vnrighteousJhall be cut out. This verle agreeth altogether in ftliflance of matter with the elea tenth : onely the coniparifon is altered : for there the tongue ofa goodman for the confiant flore of holy fpeeches, was refe:mblecl to a.plentifull fountaine,and hecre to <t fiuitfúll. tree,or ferrite field : &. there the wicked.for lewd-fpeeches was threatned to haste his mouth flopped, and heere to haue his tongue cut out,that is,the judgements ofgod vpon him for his vn ;racious.and c.u: fed fpeakings !hall flrtke him as mute and dunibc,as if the tongue were cut out ofhis heed. Tiff lips ofthe rnnhteo&4 k2.2ow 2rh: t is acceptable, but the mouth f the Trickedfpeabeethfroward thing. The tnea&ngof these words is,that a righteous man know.,- cth& re'ardeth NA hat i' befl pleating toGod for hint to fpealc,. and what is moil grateful! to good men .to heare,& what dcth deferue eptatíonat any mans hand for f;ithfulnes & truth, and therefore he will vfe his lips to vtter it:bur the wicked nei- -then knowctli nor regardetlt these things,and therefore he vo nii,eth out.onely perucrfe- fpeeches, fuch as tend to rebellion against.