riY!Iii-Mr vlJ'rr r- ..-gri16-14.11111L aáai4God, the damnifying ofmen, and the annoyance and h in of his ovine felfe. The_lips.It is a point ofgodlywifdome for a man fo to (peak Don., as his wordsmay be accepted for his belt aduantage.This ap- He fpeakes peareth by manifold examples ofholy men in the Scriptures wifelywh° ofGod when theE hraimites were imbitteredaainft Gee- Word make g nioft fs orhis an,and chide with him fharply,how eafily dici he !till theni,a- advantage, bating their fpirits with a mild andmodeft anfwere?Iud!.8.z. When Davidwas in agreat rage,comming with a purpofe to cleftroy N 6al & his wholefamilie : how readilywas .ibigaslr -mind inftrueted with vnderflanding, andher lips provided of prudent fpeeches,wherby theprefently pacifiedhis difpleafure? z .Sar.z -..z 3 .2,4,,T his skill alto hadDavid himfelfto win the harts ofhis people, & to hold them fall vnto him by the wif- dome of his words : yea by the force and efficacie thereofhe .made the heart ofbloudy Saul his cruell and implacableene- mie for a time to relent.What !hall we fayof Taral,who knew what words would draw his mortalfoes to turne aftera fort to be hisfriends, his perfecuters to preferuehim, the Priefs and Pharifes to hand for thedefence of th'apoflleof Chrifi ? Firf,the word and fpirit of God doth informehis feruants Reafons;i: in this knowledge, and giue themdifcreation to apply them- felues to the Elate of the perfons and feafon.lfa.5.o.4. Secondly,thevfe & exercife of gracious & religious fpeeches lothbringa dexteritie to incisewhat is molt meete to be fpo- ken, and to. deliuer the fame in theaptefl manner : nd fo (as trained fouldiers) they are in a continuall rcadinefTe,vpon due occafion,to deale with God and all forts ofpeople.Col.4.6. Confutationofall Popifhpraiers which are ofTredwithout vïe, any afl:urance of acceptance,andconfecjuently it conuinceth all Popifh perfons to be vnrighteous men,becaufe they knownot what is acceptable : for fo much they plainelie declare, when they pronounce they know not what, in a (range language, when they call vpon the dead whichhear them not at all:when they intertaine f}range aáuocates tovfurp Chill his office : when they aske things needleffe,as the faluation of filch as are .ahually and abfolutely faued : when they aske things which arc