r,_ _ - -- are botelefe, as the deliuerance of fuch as are irrecouerablie damned.And their bell apologie for thefe things is,that ifthey doe no good,theywill doe no harrne,vvherebytheymake pro,. fefsion that they are vncertaine whether theirprayers bee like- to pleafe God,or ótherwife bevaine and idle. Reprofe,with terrour for them whole tnouthes fpeake fro ward things, which may know that their words are gratefull- to none but the diuell, and damnable men,who wittingly and willingly, and fpitefully with greedy defire,doe belch out filch bitter blafphemies, and other curfed fpeeches, as may offend. the maiefiieofGod,and grieue the heartsofhis children:which they doeofpurpofe to profefle that they are neither feruants to the one, nor members of the other, but vowed enemies of both:but doe they prottnke the Lord to wrath,and not thent- felues to theconfufion of their owne faces ? doe they aflault the glot ions nameofgod,& {bike at him with their vi.silent &ve nemous tongues,and (hall not be let upon them, anddeffroy their foules andbodies with his grievous plagues and fearefull iudgements?Euen this is a principal caufe,together with whor- dome,and other finites of death, that caflçtlh fomany into thg magiflrates hand, andbringeth them to an ignominious end,, for Health, and robberies, for murthers, and moll: hellifh and abhomittable treafons. Confolation to them that order their lips aright,they íhote not at an vncertaine marke: they may as well know how they (hall fpeede,as how they fpeake,though their counfels or rebukes be not fomettmes v5, ell takenofmen, yet at all times they are pleating to theLord, whowill alto requite themwith a glo- rious and bleffed reward, FINIS.