?'hayare abomination to the Lord,it is not meantthat his quarrel! is agiina the infenfible creatures, but he is difpleafed with the iniquityof the perfc:ns,which make,vle,keepe,or allow thcnt. Whereby the other elude may be better vndertlood, that the Lord is pleated with fuch as dovprightly vfe them,&with lout ofequity,exercife it in their traffique,and couenants. All infirutnents and mneanes offalfhood arc hateful! toGod. il. . IfGod fpeake this but once,and in oneplace,andnowhereelfe but in this place,yet he is offufficientauthority to requirecredit to his word,becaufe he that cannot lie,hath fpoken ir,who alCo knoweth bell bothwhat doth offend, and pleafe him : but hee dothofteti confirme it in the fcriptures,that the multiplicityof tefiimonies may themore forcibly perfwade vs to beleeue. The felfefame words ineffeaare not only repeated,butrcdoubledin this booke,and that fometimes in one chapter. niters freights, c diuersmeafures ,boththefe areaseen an abaminatiñ to the Lord, Dicers weights are abomination to theLord, 6.falfeballances are not good.Cap.ao.Io.2 ï. Firt+his commandement is herebyviolated:for he hath ex- eafont prefly forbidden fuch vnrighteous dealing. Thou (halt not haue eut,a5.r '.t6 gn toy bag twomanner ofweights, agreat, and afmall; neit her Ph thouhaue in thine houfe diners meafeeres, agreat, andafmall: but thou /l alt balea iuJweight: aperfe11, and a isf meafier`ihalt thou haue &c. Forall that dofuch things, andall that doevnrighteote[. lie,areabomination to theLord thy God. Which is not fo to be vn- derflood,as though it were abfolutely vnlawfull tohaue diucrs forts ofweights or meafures, asounces, and pounds :as yards, and elles :aspecks, and bulhels, Bic. Neither yet tohaue many of thefame fort : for many may be needful!, accordingas men haue manifoldocafions tovie them;but tohaue themvnequal each toother,which ought tobe ofthe fame fize,as fomeoflar- ger content tobuywith,and othersof letterquantity to fel with, this is thatwhich is here prohibited. Secondly,hisordinance by this is inuerted, for he hath infili: tutcd the vieofnegotiatìon,market, and exchange, for tlse mu- tual benefit ofboth tides,and this is for the good ofneitlaer:for the one is endaniagcd in hispurfe, and the other in his confci- ence3