---- raft. I. ROVÉRI3S. 3 ence.Hewould haue commerce and traffique to proceed from loue,tobe exercifed in loue, andmore to increale loue; and this courfe is altogether contrary to loue, and a meanes to ingender vnkindnes, and hatred. He requíreth that iuffice and equity íhouldmoderate thefe affaires, and that no manfhouldoppre,(feor r.Tlyeí:4. dafraude his brother in any matter; but here isfilthy lucre moll refpc6ed,and followed, andour brethrenwronged, and begui- led. Thirdly,this finne is fomuch the more lothedofGod,by how much iris better liked ofthem that pra6ife it. Their clofenes,& cunning inafïingofir,dothfora time augment their wealth,and not impaire their credit,& therfore they count their courfe law- full,and themfelues happy for fuch profperous fuccelTe : becaufe nian findeth no fault with them,they thinke that God findethno falfhood in them; and Peeing yet they haue no puni(htnent in- ßi9edupon them,they dream alto that no wickedneffe is corn milted by them. For fo the prophet complaineth : Hee is a 114 /1.7.11 Merchant : the balances ofdeceit are in his hand: be lotseth toop- prefe. /Ind Ephraim laid, notwithfland!ng Iam rich : Ihauefound me out riches in all my labours :theyfhallfind no iniquity in me, that were rrickedneffe. Admonitionnot only to forbeare all fraudulent and wrong. Pfe.t full dcaling,but withhatred to detef} it, and with horror to flic farte from it. That which is hurtful' to our brother is hatefull to God,and therefore can neuer bee helpful' to vs. If bee iudge it vnrighteous we (hall find is vnprofitable :ifit bedamnable in his fight,and therefore his foule clothhare ir, it will at Lail bee in our feuce,and our foule (hall rue it. Ir may bringmony andwealth, and raife vpmens late,and family, but it will drawdowne iudg- ments vpon family,flate,and wealth, and mony, and makeall to be execrable.For that which is fpoken inanother cafe, is alto ve- rified in, this; Bring not abomination into thinehoufe, left thoubee Deut.7. sßg, acctirfedlike it,best utterly alharre it,& count it moß abhominable, forit isaccssrfed.As thegold, and liluer, andother coftly matter, whereofthe idols were made, &wherewith they wereadorned, was execrable in refpe61 ofimpiety, fo is this tradeofgetting, mad riches fogotten in regard of iniquity. And therefore-both 13 2 are