R VERBS. C ap.Y T. are veryoffenfue to theLord : both are pcflilent to mens fami. lies :both arc perilous to their (late : both ate pernitious to their foules, For a curledpoffeífìon may make the person accurfed,and bring the whole house to defolation. Which should perfwadc men not onely to make flak of getting goods vniuflly, but to make no flay of ridding their hands iuf}ly thereof. For as they finne grieuouflywhich indire&ly receìue that which is noneof their owne;fodoe they alto that retaine ir, and reflore it not to the right owner. And therefore in Micah it is feras a noteof finners,and fuch as areobflinately finfull, andwhich conceiue of God as a patron oftheir Gnfulneffe,thatvpon admonition giuen vnto them from the Lord, would not reforme their falfehood. Areyet the treafotres of rnic,l ednefe in the hotsfeefthe wicked,and icah.ó.ro, that[cant meafure that is abhom:nable?Shal I irf1ifce the trickedbal- l4nces,ind the deceitful! weights: Reproofe and terror ofgameílers, and thole that make Dice, Cardes andBoules,with fuch like infiruments ofiniury,to be the mealuresof their trade, and the meanes oftheir maintenance, Thereby are they made as odious toGod, as infefluous tomen, as greataduerfaries to equity, as they which by falle weights doe wrong their chapmen. They being afhamed to appeare in their prayLife, doe fecretly defraude men like theeues that filch in a corner: but thefe impudently glorying in their finfulneffe' doe openly profeffe their purpofe, like robbers that corn, maund menspurses by the hie waye fide. They take theway to bring some part of their neighbours goods to their hands, by receiuingmuch for a little : but chele flriue to bring euery parte to themfelues, by getting all for nothing. And for this cause whatfoeuer fuccette they haue, howfoeuer the worlde goeth with them,they (peedunhappily. Ifthey winneother mans mo- ny,theyToole their bleffednes,and Godsgracious fauour; Ifthey lofe their ownemony, they get a cafe, and Godsgricuous dif- pleafure. .2, But a true weight, &c. The Lord doth not onely refpc& the piety which is vied in his owns worihippe, but thetructh and iuflice that is performed tomen. When the Lord hmfelfc is asked what manner oftnen [hould dwelt