Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

cue r. dwellinhis tabernstcle,and re/l in his holle mountaine,that is,which fhould haue a goodelute here,and anhabitation for euermore in heaucn,he defcribeth them by their innocent,and harmleffe be- hauiour towards their brethren. He that troika-19 vpright>, aidPfal.i S.z. trorketb righteouflie, andfpeaketh the truth in his heart. kiee,cer- tainly regardeth that work which he fo largely rewardethwith fach wages : andhee is well pleated with that perfon in this life, whom hewill receiue to lifeeuerlafling:and equal it is with him, that they which conuerfewithearthly people in righteoufncífe, íhould allo continuewith heauenly faints inglory. Firf},they do feruiceherein toGod himfelfe;for in confcience Reafor, ofhis will, and obedience to his word they glue themfelues to thisvprrghtneífe. Secondly it is his ovineworke,and proceedeth from himfelfe: for all righteoufueffe is the grace, and fruit ofhis holy fpirit. As flea] andbloud,with nature,and reafon, did neueryet beget any foundpiety, and religion; fo it neither will, nor euer candire& any mansheart to true iuflice,and righteoufnele. Thirdly,trueth both inwordanddeed is a part ofhis glorious 3 image,whereby his people are confirmed, and made like vnto him,and therefore he cannot but take delight in that which is fo agreeable with his owns nature, and a liuely reprefentation of him(clfe. Confolation to them that doe confiantly and confcionablie vfe. addil themfelues to the exercife ofequitie. None bath truely learned this, but fuckas haue bin apprentices inheauen, whom the Lordbath informed in themyfleryofthis trade.Ob.ßut ma- nic others gaine moremony,and thriue fafter,and growgreater then they doe.Sol. But they gaine morecomfort, and thriue bet- ter,and grow happier then all others doe. For howfoeucrit fa. reth with their flare for quantity ofearthly poffefìîons, it cannot but got well with their foules,for plenty ofheauenlygraces,and though peraduenture they haue prefently but little fubflance in their houfes, yet there remaineth for them anample treafure in theheavens:& that which isbell for thern,is moll firmly affured to them,which is Gods euerlafling loue and fauour.Albeit ther- fore thyvocation bee meane and of no great account, and thy B 3 ftockc 2 -._