flocke (lender &c ofnogreat value, theyreturnefeldome,and of no great commodity : yct ifthou be faithfull in a meane trade, with a fmall tlocke and a flow returne,all (hall be acceptable,al (hall be profitable,al íhai be comfortable.Sooftenas thou haft mans cuflome to buy,or fell with thee,thouhafl Godscompany toreward and blcí% thee; and whenfoeuer thou dealefl wel with any,hc taketh notice ofit,to dcalebetterwith thy telfe. Verle z .Whenpride commetb, thencosnmetb contempt) ht wets the lowly is taifedonse. VV Henpride comnseth, that is, when it groweth tomaturii ty,hauíng power topuffevp mens hearts, and /hewing it felfc in words,or workes,in countenance,apparel,orgeflures, thencoanmetb cotempt,that is,fhame thenapprocheth,and is fleet at hand,marching in thenextrank after this lofty heart,& info- lent behauiour.As is to befeet' in many who hauingbin fir i lif- ted vp in their owne haughty minds,wereafterwards call down by Gods righteous iudgmêts,cither intophrEfies,or groffefins . or ruineofflate,or obloquy for their former hidden faults now publifhedat lafl to theirgreat,difgrace.Theotherpart ofthean- tithefis,containing thehonor that doth acompanyhumility,is arguedby confequent, in this manner: when pride commeth, thencommeth folly,whicheuer bringethdhame:but when hu- mility commeth,then commethwifedom,which isneuer with- out glory. Prideisa forerunner ofthame and reproach.It is a common prouerbeordinary in the mouthofthepeople:Pridegoeth be- fore,and (flame commeth after. And it is an holyprouerbeof- ten viedbySalomon in this booke : Pridegoeth beforedefrui. onandanhighmind6eforethefall.Pro..z 6.18.& 18. I Z, And it is aCele& prouerbe,often vied by Chritl in the newTcflament, vbofoeuer exaftethbintfelfe ¡ball be6reugbt lew, & he that how. dlethhínsfelfe(hallbe exalted. Luke 14..11. We fee in buildings that whenwalls waxe thicket by hollow= nes andCwelling, theywill fhortly come Iower bydownefall and ruine;aadfo flandeth thecafe with all proudperfons, their great