Vi Jet z: great heartdoth threaten forms great mifchiefe to benighvnto them. Which may be exemplified by diuers prefidents in the fcriptures,which are propoCed as real examples, for eueryman to take warningby.When Nebsichadnezxlrwas braggingofhis Babel! which hehad built for his glory,he was banifhed fromall habitation, not hauing fo much as a cottage, and like a bean made to liue among the bea(}s in the fields, with ignominy. When Haman thought to ride on horfeback, and tobe waited on like a King,hewas zlriuen to lacky onfoot,and to Wait atten- dance like a page:and purpofing to hang Mordecai on high to honour himfelfe,heprepared an high gallows to be hangedon himfelfe. When Herod thought himfelfegoodenough to take vponhim the Bate and honour oFaGod,tlkcLord declaredhina tobe badenough tobedeuouredofcontemptiblevermine. FirU,thcyhaue God tobe their enemy, he ref/ietbthem, and they are all au abomination onto him: not only fome arrogant Reafw$. felIowes that haueproud hearts, and beggars purfcs, but men 1am.4.6.i fuchalfo as fit vpon princely thrones,and bearekinglyScepters Prou46'S. andweare imperiali Diadems.And'rIhefee them to beabomi- nation,anddoth therforeabhor thcm,they (hall apeareabomi- nablc,and menwill dcfpifethem. Secondly,theyare fooles, as the text it felfe intendeth : and therefore cannot but behaue themfelnes foolifhly,litedrsr kardr Nab 2.. whichare ossercomewith wine. Theyare finfull fooles,ntore de(ti. tute ofgrace thenofwit. Forproud behauiour is the foameor froaththat proceedethfrommuchwickednes,anda proudheart isa prifon wherein theyarc withheld from comming to repen- tance.And fo their owne folly, and Gods wifedome : their owne finfull waies,and Gods righteous iudgements,theirowne itnpe nitence,andGods feueritywill bring them to the poífetfon of their inheritance,and that is Pam anddsfhonour, bowhighlyfat. uer theyhaue beenexalted.Prou 3.35. Thirdly,they are facrilegiousperfons,and robbe Godofhis glory,which is moll proper & preciousvetohim,and therefore it isequal' that he fhould (trip them ofthe honour which is fo much defsredofthem. Rcproofe oftheir folly that vfcpride as a flirroptomount vp thcteby