thereby to promotion and credit, that thinke it the onelywaye to preferment,if they can fec forth thernÎelues with forne often. tation,and lift vp their eyebrows aboue their brethren. And this is growne almoft to an vniuerfall contagion,wherwith the grew. teft number ofRates and ages,offexes, andperfons in all places, aredangeroufly infe6 ed. Some thereby Peeking tobe admired, others to be aduanced,many tobe feared,and al to bebetter fatif. fled in the accomplifhment oftheir defires. But howmany lode by fecking,and finke by afpiring, & runne into reprochby hun. ting after vaine eftimation?whiles they leaue their (landing, and would rife aboue the toppe oftheirplaces,they faile oftheirfeu. ting,and fall downe to the bottome. lnftruóion to beas much afraid ofpride,as offhame,andems 2 offecret cóceitednes within,noleffe then ofopen difcredit with- our,and therfore to vfe all good remedies to cure this dangerous inflamation offuch a windyftomacke.And fìrft for this purpofe let eueryman take heed that he be not illuded with thegloffes and colourable appearances ofknowledgeand wifedome,or any other good partes ofnature or grace inhimfelfe, when in trueth theyare nothing but thews and fhadowes.For dicers byan ouer- weening conceit haue themfelues in hieadmiration,whenothers to whom they are better knowne, haue them in great derifion. And albeit others either in flattery, or good opinion fhould commend vs for thole good things which we are priuy to our felues not to be invs,yet let vs not receiue the doubtful! teflimo- nyof (}rangers againft the euident witne[fc of God, andour owne conlciences. For this were as abfurd as ifa needy creature pinched with penury, and almoft hunger-Uaruen, fhould bee brought to beleeue that he fwimmed in plenty and were a libe- rail houfe keeper, hauing his table alwaics fiirnifhedwith varie. ty ofdilhes; or one deeply indebted, and ready to brake for want ofability, fhouldbe induced to thinkehimfelfe theonely moniedman in the country, fuf-hcientin wealth tolend and to giue to manyothers.Secondly, whenGodbath graced any with excellent gifts whichare not adulterate,and counterfeit,butfuch as are currant, and able to abide the touchítone, and to hold weight in the ballance, yet as they feele what they haue, fo let them