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Vere.2. ROVERBS. 9 them findwhat theywant:as they fee their graces andvertues, fo let them fearch into their corruptions,andvices:as theyhaue agood confcience in the performance ofmany good duties,fo let themconfider the innumetable fins that they haue commit- ted,the multitude offeruices, which they haue negleaed, the hypocrifie,infidelity,vnchearefulne%,and other imperfeions that haue Rained their bellywords & a&tions;and thefe will help to hold downe their hearts in humility, & take away all matter ofglorying. For the bellin theworld (hall haue caufe toblufh and hang downe their heads,if theymake comparifonbetween that theyare,& that which theyought tobe.Though thy know ledge beegreat, yet howmuch art thou ignorant ofthat thou inight1l haue knowne,ifthou hadf beenas diligent to feeke it as God was tooffer it unto thee ? Though thou haue faith,and loueand repentance,and byvertue therofdof Phew foorth the fruits ofthe fpirit in holy obedience, yet how final' time haft thou fpent,how foftlyhaft thou trauelled,and how litleground haft thou gotten in this way that leadeth to eternall life? But in the courfe offinfulnes didi thounot begin the race foone,and runne fwiftly,and come backe againe flowlie ? Thirdly,it will much diminifh afelfe liking, and too great opinion ofour own excellencie,if weturne our eies without enuy to the excellent graces ofknowledge and difcretionofzeale, andmoderation, andofall other amiable gifts ofour brethren,wherein they goe beiond vs. And this is the receipt which the holyghoftprefcri- beth to the Philippians againa this very maladie; Let nothing, faith he,be donein contention,or vaine glory, but in meekneffe of mind let eueryone efteem others better thenhimfelfe. Look not eue- Phil,Z ry manon his own things,but emery man alfo on the things ofother men. Laftly, confider the hand which miniftretheuery good thing that we enioy,whethèr it be gift ofnature,or ofgrace,or ofoutward poffeffion; whether it concerne the body, or the mind,the ftate,or the dignity. All is ofGod, allis fromGod,and allisfor God,and therefore let alltheglory -be giuen to God. what haft thou,faith S.Paul,that thouhaft not receiued ? Ifthouhaft re- ceiued it,whyglorieft thou as though thou haddeft not receiued it? 1.Cor.4.7.It becommethnot a beggar that hues ofthealines C basket