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basket tobragge ofhis meat, nor infolently to compare with him,or his,that relieuethhim in his rniferable neceflìty. Butwith thelowlie) Euery humble man is alfo induedwith wifedome.Lowly andwife be fo far conuertible as that theone can neuer beaffirmed ofany,without the other:thehabit ofhu- militydothinferre the poffefionofwifedome,and the want of either doth eui61 the privation ofboth. Firf},the fountaine from whence lowlines floweth, doth al- waies in the fame current fend forth the flreanies ofwifedome. The Lord Iefus doth neuer deriue to any thepower and ability offubduing his heart,but he giuethhimalfo found knowledge how to obtaine it,and holy vnderflanding how to vfe it. Secondly,God himfelfe is the inf}rudor of all humble per- fons,and frameth their hearts tobe teachable,that theyThal not faile to learn ofhim,and therefore mutt needs receiue wifedom from him. This is agreeable to the promife which heemaketh, Pfalme. z .9.Them that be meeke will heguide in iudgement,and teach thehumble his way.He giueth grace and guidance with his precepts,for mind,andheart, for knowledge, and affe6ion, for wilI,and confcionablepra&ife. Thirdly,the happineffewhich theyprocure to themfeluesdoth giue a cleere teflitnonyof their wifedom. They enioy thefauor ofGod,and the friendfhipofGods people. In their hearts they hauepeace,ouer their affeions theyhaue power. They areal- waies in the wayofpreferment, either to come tohonour in a great place,or for honor to come to them in a meane place.For eueryElate theyare fitted:whiles they are to be tried with ad- uerfity,theycan beare it without impatiency:when theyThal be called toprofperity,they can vfe it without infolency : as long as they continue in this world they are rightful poffeffors ofthe earth; as foone as they depart to another world, they shall bee glorious inhabitants ofheaué.Inwhichrefpeas the fpirit ofGod faith,that it is better to beofanhumble mindwith the lowly,then to áeuide thefpoileswith theproud.Pro. 16.19. The meaneft &moll affli&edvnderling that is humble and meeke, is in farrebetter cafe then themightielU & inoi+puiffant conqueror that is proud andhaughty. Reproofe