ro: e. 3. PROVERBS. II Reproofe offuck as deride their fimplicity for vrdergoing fo manymoleltations,and charge themwith folly for not facing out matters with an impudent countenance,and condemn them ofmadneffe,becaufe they feeke not pompe and earthly excel- lency.But it is not becaufe the humble want wifedom, but be caufe wifedome fcemeth foolifhnes to fooles, and fuch as are deflitute ofvnderflanding. They lookevpon their troubles,but feele not their comforts :they fee their perfecutions, but forefee not their deliuerance :theybehold their prefent condition in of fliótions,but difcerne not oftheir happines to come in glory. Initruelion to make.nolt account oftheir counfels and com- pany,feeing they are bell ofal floredwith wifedom and know- ledge.None arefo wel able to giue aduice as they : for though others may hauemore countenance &greatneffe,yet theyattain not to fomuch counfell andgoodnes.None are fo ready to glue aduice as they:for theydo it molt willingly,and cheerfully,with all mildnes,andkindnes.None are fomuch bleffed in the aduice which they giue as they:For their prayers are forcible withGod andGodsprefence is effeótuall with them for affiflance in fuch acceptable feruices. Verfe.3.Thevprightnes of the tugfhallguide them.but thefro- wardnes of the tranfgreffoursfhalldeftroy them. TIQYvprightneffe is not meant an extrauagant well meaning without further rule or warrant,as though good intéts were competent guides ofour waies to faluation: but the fincerityof an heart faithfully,chough not perfe&ly, willing to beleeue and obey that which it knoweth,& refolutely,though not abfolute- ly,defirous to know that whichGod (hall reueile vnto it. Now this is faid toguiderighteous men, that is, íhall procure gooddi- re6ion from theLord,both for his feruice,and their own happi- nes,and make them tta&able to follow thefarce. Contrary to this theconditionofthe wicked, who arenot leddewithvp- rightheffe,butcariedwithperuerfenes, and therefore milled by the fame to their vndoing.For thus flandeth the oppofition: the vprightnefre ofthe iuf{ (hall guide them in the way, and fo pre- C 2 ferue