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.s..3. ZI. 1.2 ROVERBS. ap. ferue them:but the frowardnes of the wickedwill keepe them from the way,and fodeflroy them. The vprightnes)Euery one that is truly godly hath a faithful' guide andcounfellor in his own brefl.A found heart is the flern ofthe foule,&a good confci6ce is the pilot to gouern it,which will lead him thorow the whole courfe of his life, till he corne to the hauenoffafety & bleffednes,So is the vprightneffeoflob .comrnended,thatit dire&ed him to the feare ofGod, & caufed him to efchew euill.So is the foundnes of Zacharie andEliza- bethnotified,that byvertue thereoftheywalked in all thecomma- dementsandordinances ofthe Lordwithout reproofe.And fo is the fincerity ofall ble%dperfons extolled and praifed by the fame efYe6 s in the hundred andninteenth pfalme, that they keepe the commandements ofGod,andworke no iniquity. Firíl,it will flirrevp men diligently to feeke for knowledge andvnderflanding,attending daily as futers at wifedomes gate in all the ordinances ofGod.When he fpeaketh, they will bring ancare to hearken:When he teacheth,they will bring anhart to learne.'When need requireth,they will vfe their lippes to aske counfell:in theword they will digge for wifedome : byprayer theywill call for affiflâce:by meditation they veil applyall good inflru&ions.And fo feeking ofGod, with an whole heart is fet in the fcriptures,as an effe& ofvprightnes,& a caufe ofwalking in the lawofthe Lord.Pfalm.i 19.2. Secondly,where a good confcience is prefent,therethe word ofGod is neuer abfent:for that doth alwaies dwell with fidelity and truth. The farne heart that entertaineth the one, doth euer- more enioy the other.And thatdealeth faithfullywith themthat be faithfull:it will not fuller them towander afidethorowwant ofguidance,or to fall into mifchiefes for fault of dire&ion. It fhal lead thee,faith one fcripture,when thou walk fl;itfhallwatch for theewhen thoufleepefl,&r whethouwakefl itfhalltalk.with thee Thineearesfhallheareawordbehind thee,faith another fcripture, faying,this is theway,wal%e in that,when thou turnefi to the right handor to the left. Thirdly,the fpirit ofGod is alwaies in them that are vpright and true hearted, it nioueth them to aske,to heare, topray, to reade