VerC.3...... R. .,. reade,and tomeditate : it maketh theword effe&wall to fpeake, & their foules alfo flexible toyeeld to theword:it worketh fond iudgement in the mind,holy affections in theheart,alacrity and readineffe in the will,faith in thewhole foule,and fincere fan&i- tie in the conuerfation. Hereofthe ApofFle fpeaketh to the Ro- manes : As many as are led by the fpirit of God are theTonnes ofGod. And it is as true on the other fide, as many as are the fonnes ofGod,are led by the fpirit ofGod:for this is euer reci- procall,and conuertible. vfe,r, Confutation ofthe erronious opinion wherebymany illude themfelues,& their falfe boaflings wherby theywould deceiue others. They roueabroad in all - thewaies offinfulnes, in euery by laneoflicentioufneífe,in ignorance, pride, wantonneffe,vn- thriftines, cruelty, blafphemy,&c. Yee may find them almoa euery where fauing in religious and honeft exercifes, and thofe they fliefror,as ifthey weregoales,& dungeons tohold them in:and yet they think,and fay,and face it out,that their hearte is honeft,though their life be lewd:allis well within,though all be naught without;they haue as goodfoules to Godas thebeft,al- though theyferue Satan afmuch as the worft. If thefe men haue vprightneffe,vprightnes hath loft her wontedvertue,& ceafeth tobevpright.For that whichwas vprightneffe inSalomons time and in all former ages was more faithfull, and forcible topre ferue themwhom it tookcharge of(as it doth all inwhom it in- habiteth)from fuch inordinate &vicious behauiour. Towhich may be added alfo another brood of a wandring and vagrant mind,altogethervnfetled in al points ofreligion.Theyheare of multiplicity of opinions, and the differences of mens judge- ments one from another : fome are Papifs, fome areProte ft ts,fome areBrownifts,fo that theyknow notwhat to belieue . nor whom to truft,and therefore iudge it their readieft way to credit none ofthem all,andnot cleaue to any fide.But the righ teous are not toffedvp &downwith fuck waues ofvncertain- ty anddoubtfulnes:fincerity leauethnot men to fhift for them- felues,that for want ofdue informati6 in thewaies ofGod,they fhouldwalk in.flat Atheifine;TheLordprornifeth better things, tohis people,that faithfully ferue him.What man is bee thatfea G rah,