Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

v er jZ. R O ii V D III' InPails Episiles areforce things hard to be vssderfiood , which s Pet.3, z 6. they that are vnilable, and vnlearnedperuert , as they doe alto other Scriptures ,to their owne des` rut1ion. Confutation ofthe Papi(}s,whofe practife, profcflion,and Yfe. con[}itutions, are all oppolite to the purpofe of Salomon, thewifedorne ofGod,and the (aluation of mens foules : For they lockcvp the Scriptures in a ['range language,theyper- mit them not to be truly tranilaed into knowne tongues, they forbid the people upon penaltiLs,to reade them in their natiue fpeech , that they Ihould not vnderfland fo much as the fignification of the words : and fo they relîff the holy Ghofl, by prohibiting , and punishing that as an hainous crime, which hee commandeth as a needful] dutie. A man might thinke that they Et light by Salomon, and ilomicked S.Paul , as though they purpaf -1y addit<ted themldues to thwart him, both by Doctrine, and deede. Hee had rather z cor,i4.rp: hauefuse words#o`en in theChs,rch , with the lenders anding, to infruïi oth frs , than tenne thousand in a f range language. And they hAd rather haue fifty thoufand babied in a Urange tongue, to fill mens Bares with winde, than fiue> or any that might enformemens mindes for edification. And others al- fo though not fo bad as Papi as, might here be taxed, which Teeming to fpeake nothingbut Englifh among Englilh peo- ple, doe yet fo fold vp, and not lay open their matter, in vn- couth, obfcure, and difficult termes, and manner, that it is almoff all one, as ifthey preached in Latine : a great part of their hearers comprehend but a fmall part of their Do- &rine. Reproofe , and terrour for many Auditors to horn the Gofuell ofChrif} is offered, who fatisfie thernfelues with the found of the Miniffers voyce, though they perceiue little;or nothing of that which hee teacheth. Euen this is a part of their petill, that they thinke it fafe to be blinde , or deale at Gods ordinances, to fit as it were in the Sunne-fhine, and yet neither to fie light, nor feele warmth. They know not that Satan the Grad ofthis worldMathblinded their mindes, that the light ofth. eglorious Gof#ell ofChri f , which is the Image of God, D z fhonld