1.ir reth the Lord?himwill he teach thermic that he f 'allchufe? Pfalm 25. r 2.Are ye left thenwithout dire&.ion?then ye arefoüd with- out righteoufne%.Roth not God teach you his way? thenyee arevoide of his feare. Reproofe ofthem that commit themfelues to the leading of 3 contrary guides whichwithhold al their paffengers from finc e- rities,counfel & dire&ion,and that is tovain pleafure, to filthy lucre,to carnali reafon,to brutifh luft, to the example & fashion ofthewickedworld,and to the finfull motions which thediuell hitnfelfemolt craftily fuggefleth.Thefe are they that almoft in al places are taken vp for leaders, they are neuer withoutwork, theyhaue cóntinuall imployment,and therfore it plainly appea- reth that there is little vprightneffe,and that is as litie regarded, and as afew iufl perfons there are tohe guided by it. Confolation againfa the difcouragements wherewithmany faithfull Chriflians are of rulted in rcfpeCt ofthemanifoldperils which they passe thorow.Whé they look abroad into theworld they fee all kinds ofinducements to euill, by perfwafions, by threatning,byexamples,and fophifticall defences: their carnali friends wouldallure in kindne%,their crafty foes would illude themby cunning,thc violent tyrants would c6pel thé by force. When they fearch into themfelues, they finde corruptions, ig- norance,errors,fearefulnefe, and inconl}ancie, which caufeth them to fall intomany feares,and doubts oftheir perfeuerance. How,fay they,fhallwee perfil and hold out in the dangerous dayes?How ifthewordofGod should be taken from vs?how if dcceiuers shouldbe turned in amongvs?how then (hall wefind the way to euerlafling faluation?The holyGhofi telleth you in this place,ifyour harts be righteous andplaine,andhonef},your vprightneffe (hall lead you, the fpìrit ofGod will teach you, & his gracewill eflablifhyou. WhichS.Iohn dothalfo teflifie, for the confirmation offuch as were in the famecafe; rhefe things, faithhe,haue Iwrittenvntoyouconcerning them that deceiueyou, But the annointing,whichyoureceiuedofhimdwelleth inyou:&yee need not thatany man teachyou : but as thefameannointing tea- chethyou ofall things,and it is true,and is no ling,and as it taught you itshallabide in him. But