rev e.3. ROVERBS. _ I But thefrowardnes)Wickedfinners are greaten workers of Do5.2. their owne woe.7'heyfhall be taken in their own wick'dneffe,faith the fixt verfe:they(hall fall in their own wickednes,faith the fift; their frowardnes fhall deftroy them, faith this. Whereby it ap- peareth that theirmifery commethnot from others, as an acci- dental) occafion, but groweth from themfeluesas theproper caufe,neither is it an ordinary euil that is recurable,but a defpc- rate ruine that is remedileffe; neither yet is it the fubuerfionof theirnate,or killing oftheir body,whch is but temporary, but theperditionbothofbody& foulewhich is euerlaf+ing.To this agreeth that which is fpokéto the famepurpofe,in the fift chap- Prou, ter:His ovine iniquityfhalltake thewickedhimfelfe, andhefhall be holdenwith thecordsofhis ownfînne.HeThal dieforfault ofinfirm-, dion,andforgoing affray through his ownfollie. Here is a defcription ofeueryobfiinate andcontemptuous fin- ner,their wickedncsBoth worke del}ru6ionby degrees. It firft apprehendeth them as an officer:it keepeth them afterwards in f}ockes,andbolts,as aIayler.And laílly,it putteth them to death as an executioner. Firn,they defpife the patience, and long fufferance, thekind- Reafons.I. ryes andgoodnes ofGodwhichwaiteth for their repentance,& therefore through the hardneffeoftheir heartsheape to themfelues wrath againft theday ofvengeance.Rom.2.4.5 Secondly, theygrieue andvex thefpirit ofGod,whichoffereth 1 gracevnto them and thereforehe turneth to be theirenemie.The g f Y Ifaió;.or. with their peruerfenes doe refill him,andhe withhis power veil caf: downe them.And fo the prophet teflifieth in the Pfalme? With thepure thouwilt thew thy felfe pure, but with thefroward thoufetteft thyfelfe towreftle. Thirdly,they fcorneand defpife the word and wifedomc of . God,and asmuchas in them is,caufe others alfo to reiea it,and therfore it is'iun with theLord tomake themeat thefruitoftheir ownewaies andtofill thenwith their owne deuices,that is,to bring thins toafeareft411deftrullion.Prou.1.30.3 I. Terror ofthem that pratife finne ofpurpofe tooffend themVP. whichdiflike oftheir lewd waies. Theywill break the Sabbath in defpite of themthat wouldhaue thembetter exercifed; they will