16 PRO VERBS. C ap.ii wi [1 fweare,they fay,andflare too, to anger fuch as admonifh themoftheir vnlawfull oathes. Sillie creatures andmiferable wretches,will they cut their ownethroats togrieue others with the fight of their bloud?wil they firangle theinfelues that others might weepefor their curfed end?Their boiilerou s lubberneffe maybring a (fort forow to others that hate their finnes,&loue their foules,but a perpetual) fhame to themfelues, which ioyne with their finnes againit their foules. Verfe +.Riches modenot in the' day ofwrath : but righteotefnes deliuerethfromdeath. Ç Hefe words feeme to containe an anticipation, or preuen: tingofanobie6tion,which mightbe mooued againfi the latter point ofthe former verfe.What fpeake.you ofdeflru6tion to come vponwickedmen? I trufl you will not extend it to all: for manyofthem are fubflantial wealthymen,ofgreat flate,and. ability. Who can deflroy them? What fiiall their power, and riches do thewhile? To this it is here anfwered, that riches a- uaile not in theday ofwrath:theirwealth canneither withfland the firokes ofGod,nor leffen them,nor make them anywhit the more able tobeare them,whenhis anger doth execute iudge- mcnts,andwhenhis iudgetnents declare his anger. But righte- oufneífe is thatwhich deliuereth from death,and all other mife- ries,that the fling, thereof fhall neuer make any manmiferable. 'See the more full handlingand profecution ofthefe words, in the fecondverfe ofthe tenth chapter. Verfe S. The rig'hteoufnes of theupright frail direst his.way, or make his wayflraight,ormen : but thewickedfrail fall in his owne wiclZednefe. 1 Erehe addeth to that whichhe hadbegun in the thirdverf 84 fheweth that finceritÿ,& righteoufnes donot only lead men to a goodway,and tell themwhat is their duty, and fit to be performed,but maketh theway paífablefor them,and them confiant and profperous in it. The which againe is oppofed the