Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

% . PROVERBS. 17 tit e theway ofthewicked,euen their own finfull courfe oflife, be- ing crooked and cragged,and rough,and rugged,and ful ofina- nifold perils,wherein at laft they fall andperifh. Godly menhaue not only a commandement, but ability gi- D ®í Lien vnto them towalke in the Law ofGod. Their faithfulneffe doth leuell their way,andpaue it before them, wherin theyfind not only equity,but eafe alfo with delight and fafety. And fo ,much theProphet doth intimate whenhe faith, The waies ofthe 11°C1 Lordare righteous,and the iufi(hallwalke in them : hit thewicked fhallfagtherein. Firi},the affe6lions faiiaified do al ioynhands in forwarding aman to a conflant proceeding in godlines. The loue ofGod, Reafo and the hopeofreward do ouercome,and fubdueall difficulties and dangers and beare downe all the impediments that may íloppe him by difcouragements : and the feare ofGod, and dreadofhis difpleafure Both fuppreffe the forceofworldly lulls and beate downe the conceits that maydraw him toprefump- tion. Secondly,the experience ofGods prefence, fauour and bief- fing is very effe6uall to continue their obedience. For hauing tailed how good the Lord is t o them that fearehim,theycanot liue without his company,and that is no where to beenioyed, but in the way ofrighteoufnefle. TheLordhimfelfeboth by grace andprouidence doth helpe them in his worke,He giueth vertue andpower to the miniflery ofhisword,toprepare a way between himfelfc and the hcartes ofhis people,that there may be an intercourfe for one to come mutually to the other, as S.Luke teftifieth : Euery vallhe fhallbe filled,andeuerie mountaineandhillfballbe brought low,andcrooked things (hallbemadeftraight, and the rough wait's fháß beemade fmooth.Luke 3.5. Healfomeafureth out a meet (late for thern,and maketh fuck a mixture or compofition of profperity and aduerfty, ofblef- fings and croffes,ofcomforts and forrowes,as is moil holefome for their foules,and dire6lethall the occurrents that befall them to the furtheräce of their faluation.AndhereofIfaiah fpeaketh, faying:Theway ofthe righteous is euennes, or equities,thoureilt weigh