I S 1'ROVERBS. ap.iis weigh out a itsfßpathfor the righteoo:He will ballance out euery thing that concerneth them in goldweights,that thereThal not be the Intl defe6t,or excelfe that might turne to theirhurt. Confutation oftheirpernitious illufions that think it impoflîble towalk in thewaies. ofGod,& therfore judge it nothing dâge- rous to (tray out ofthéat theirpleafure.The preachers,fay they do teach that which none canobferue,euerybody doth contra- ry,&we muff do like others,or els wefhould be countednobo- dy.They lay toomuchuponvs for praying often and hearingof fermons,and reading the fcriptures, and keeping the fabbath : and fo do they alto toomuch reffraine vs ofpleafures,&profits of liberty in fpeeches,and freedoine in apparell. We muff fol- low our fports,for take awaydelights,and take away life. Wee muff vie what meanes we can for our Liam, and make the moff ofour owne : we muff in company behaue our felues like the company,according to their talkewe muff talke,andbe merry according to their mirth:for anoathwe cannot alwaies auoide it,it is but a finall matter nowand then to fweare a little. They would haue vs to become faints onearth,but it will not be,our nature cannot like of fuch precifenes,&c.. And thus theymake the eafieyokeofChrift animportable burthen, and condemne his minifteryof ri gor,in requiring obedience,and iuftifie them- felues in difobedience.But leaue this fhifting?anddeale in good earnefl,and fpeake the truethplainly. Our fumes, and rebelli- ons,fay, haue flopped vp our way, andwe haueno iuftice,nor vprightnes to open it vntovs:weare flaues &bondmen to cor- ruption,and held in thraldome and fubie6tionofit. Otherwife the f}rength ofthe world,and the ftreamof the times couldnot carryyou away fo flrongly. For Noah beinga righteous man cold line righteoufly inan age giuen ouer wholly tovnrighte- oufneffe.The feruicesofGod,wold not be fo tedious vntoyou, as that byno meanes you flaould be brought to exercife them. For tovpright mé they are not only poflìble,but pleafant,their foule longeth for them, they hunger and thirft after them; no thing is fo much defiredofthem .Voluptuoufnes,impiety,pride, and other lufts would not be fó fweet vnto you,or fomighty in you,thatyou¡holdneither be willing to leaue them,nor ableto forfake