Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ycrfe.6. PROVERBS. 19 forfake them.For where the fpirit ofGod is,there is liberty.All good menabhorre thefe finnes, they pray againf} them, they ariue againft them,theypreuaile a;ainfì them.Grace ouercom- meth the flefh,andmaketh them do that which the word requi- reth,and fhunthat which the word forbiddeth,& be that which the wordprefcribeth. Though theyperforme not good things perfe&ly,yet theyprafife them faithfully:though they cafe not offall euill fully,yet with hatred theyrefill it truly:though they haue fo many infirmities as make them oft to fin, yet theyhaue fo much holineffe,as maketh themalwaies faints. V'erfe 6. The righteaufneffe ofthe vpright delisrereth them : but the tranfgrefforsfhallbe taken in their owewickedneffe. THis verfe,as it may appear,is annexed to the former for có- firmationofthe point therein cantained,that righteoufnes (loth direa the wayofvpright men,both to holy conuerfation, and happyfaate.Againftthe whicha doubt may rife frö thePhew ofthe contrary,becaufe that goodmen are fometimes plunged in great calamities,and fometimes in great tranfgreilions : and therefore their way feemethas indirei:,as ifthey were wicked, andtheir righteoufneffe to do them as little good as iftheyhad none at all.Now this fcruplehe remouethby (hewing what be- nefit it bringeth,that then efpecially they haue the vfe ofit,wh6 they fall into fuch difireffes. For then the fruit thereof is molt for their comfort when it (hall deliuer them out ofdangers,out oftroubles,out offeares,out oftemptations ,out offins,& from dcf}ruéion.Yet not by ílrengthofit own,but by thepower of God:not according to their worthines in way ofdefert,but ac- cording tohis goodnes in way of reward : not extended to all men that doe good works,but reftrained to vpright menwhole works are good.And for the clearer illuftration oftheir bleffed ef}atehe bringeth in for contrary, the miferable condition of the wicked, oppofing tranfgreffours to vprightperlons; their nnifchiefe to the others iuf}ice : their peril! to the others pro- teaion:the onepart incl'pfed in the net oftroubles isyet aífured offafe efcape bymeanesitf their graces,the other-abroad at the D z baize