Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

3, 20 R +. baite ofprofperity íhall certainly fall into fnares by rneanes of their wickednef e. The do6trine which the formerclaufe might minifler,fhal beas conueniétly fpokenofin the eight verfe :and that which is tobe raifedout ofthe latter,hathbeenalreadyhandled in the third. Verfe7.When awickedrandieth,hisexpettatián;per eth,and' the hopeofhis powerfhallperifh. T He meaning is,that euery finfull mans affe&ion ofhoping, andhappineffehoped for, and firongeil meanes to attaine ro his hope,fhall endwith his life,and die at his,&vanifh away at the timeofhis deftru6ion. The fubflance ofthe point bathbeen handled in the eight & twentieth verfe ofthe former chapter,and therfore in this place we wil onlynote the circum- flance ofthe time. The confidenceofungodlymen is difapointed at their grea- tefl need. He neuer had goodby any hope,which hath not the fruiti6 of his hope at his death.Then either it fetteth a man in po%flionof his bleffednes,ot elfe cafieth him offintomifery, woe,&-perdi- tion for euer.Thoughaman (hould neuer obtaine his delire in any earthly thingduringhis life,yet if he enioy faluation after this life,he hath failedofnothing.Though a manfhouldmiffeof- nothing that his heart could wifh for, whiles breath is in his body,yet ifhebe damned,when the foulegoethout ofhisbody, . hebathneuer gained any thing.And this is the fcope oflob his fpeech:whé he faith,What hope bath thehypocrite thoughhe hath heaped vp riches ,when Godtakethaway hisfoule?Ewennow-in his deepefl aduerfitie, hce would not change fiate with the moll plaufiblewicked,in their higheflprofperity.For bee is fure that the endofhis lifewill finifh his forrow, and begin his felicity; and therefore is willing to refignevp his fpirit into thehands of - God:but their hope loth depart with their breath, and their damnationdoth comewith their death,and thereforeGodmuff weft away their foules from them. Firfl,they (hall then nand before the judgement feat ofGod. him