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vere.7. ROVERBS. 22 himfelfe,and that which he fpeaketh they mufl heare, and that which theyheare,theymuff fee,and that which they heare and fee,they mullalfo fuffer:for execution will accompany the fen- tence. Here they would not beleeue his teflimony,that their cafewas fobad as hisworddeclared :there theyThal feele it tobe . wvorfe then they could conceiue of. Here when he denounced plagues againfi their fins,theyproclaimed peace to their foules: there they(hall find the plagues according to their fins,and faile ofthe peace which they promifed to themfelues. Herehe fpake vnto them ingoodneffe,that upon their repentance they might obtaine euerlafling mercy :thereheewillfpeake vnto them inan ger,and for want ofrepentancewill punifh them eternally with Pfal,Z.g, iufhce. Secondly,thefearefull iudgement ofGod vpon their hearts, that they fhouldnot feehow they were illudedin their expe6ta- tion,vntill their death:when thecafe is remedileffe.Ifthe vanity of their hope were difcouered to them before,they might cart it offfoonerand lay a new foundationofabetter:whereas roiling ílill vpon the (lability of that,it breaketh,when it cannot be re- paired;and they fall,when they can neuer rife againe.Ifthe flue Math,sg. foolifh Virgins had foundtheirwant ofoile before the bride- groomwas comming,they might in time haueprouided them- felues,&t be ready to enter with him to the wedding,before the dore was ihut.Iftheywhich prefumed fomuch ofChrifl his ac- quaintance(becaufe they had eaten&drunk in his company,& Luk.13.z6 heardhimpreach amongfl them)had known before handwhat fmall account he wouldhaue made of them, they might haue viedbetter meanes whiles time ferued,to grow into his fauour. Thirdly,thcprerogatiue and priuiledge ofGods peoplewould be much infringed,ifwicked men should haue hope with them 3' in the life to come,for therein flandeth the contrariety between them. The wicked, faith the Scripture, fhallbee caft awayfor his lewdnes:but the righteous bath hope at his death. Prou.14.3 2.For the prefent it commeth to paffe commonly, that badde menare full, and goodmen are hungry,theone fort doe laugh, and the other waileandweepe,as our Sauiour teflifieth. Luk.6.2 5.and therefore hereafter their conditions (hall bee changed onboth fides;