22. gip. fides:thcpleafure ofthe one fhall be turned intopaine, and the forrowes oftheother into endlef e comforts.As it is faidby the Apoflle concerning the godly,that if in this life only they had hope,they were ofallmofl miferable;fo it maybefpoken touch- ing the godleffe,that if in the life to come all() they hadhope, they were ofall men moil happy. Reproofe oftheir folly which liue in hope, that the time of e.I. their death will beget them hope,¬ deilroy it. They know that now they are finfull perfons,without all grace,& goodnes; but they truflthat then they (hall be conuerted,and brought in amoment to repentáce.Theyknow that now they (land in (late ofdamnation,and ifthey íhouldprefentlycome to iudgement, they mull needsperifh;but they trufl at the lafl gafpe to call vp_ onGod for mercy,and thereby get pardon for all their finnes, and fo their foules (hall be faued. As though death, and the pangs thereofwereappointed for the preferment ofGods vn- godlyeneinics.They hauebellowed themfelues in the feruice of finne,and fpent their daies in rebellion againil theLord, and do they looke for reward thereoftobe crowned with glory? Are theeues, and robbers, are cutpurfes, and other malefaaours therefore bound ouer to the Afiìfes, that they may bee put in coimniffion,and calledvp to thebench? 2, Inilruó ion to confirmour hope byputting our foules out of all peril ofperifhing afore our death or ficknes,or any other di- gcr,leafl our euidence be to feekwhen our caufe is tobe tried. Let euery one ofvs vpon apparanceofeleé ion,by faith,and the 01.8.38. fruits offáiification,be able to fay as truly,though not with as much feelingofaffurance,as theApoffle did: tamperfwaded that rrither death,norlife,nor Angers,norprincipalities, norpowers,nor >thiirgsprefent,nor things to com,norheight,nor depth,norany other creaturefhallfeparate vsfrom the loue of God which is in Chril Iefus.This will makeour life truly profperous, and profitable, and our death bleffed and comfortable;& our {late in theworld to come immortall,and glorious. 3 Confolation to fuch as feareGod,that deathwil deliuerthem from the hopes,& the (sues oftheir finfull enemies. Away muff their foulesgoe,and downrnufl their carkaffes,andwhere then are