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lrerf.S. PROVERBS. 23. are their purpofes,and what becomes oftheir power ? Though theywere as mighty as Leuiathan, and as mifchieuous as Dra- gons,yet when they be dead,as die they mull, what caufe hath anyman to be afraid ofthem ? Achab minded great matters a- gainfl Micaiah at his returne in peace from Ramoth Gilead; but Godminded topreferueMicaiah by defeating Achabofa peaceable returne from thence. Let Hezechiah, and all his peo- ple,faith Zenacherib trufl to it,that I will fpeed themat mynext eomming to Ierufalem:but Godhad appointed that he fhoul d come no more that way,but be drawne by thefnowt like a fifh, 1fai.3ó.tz. or ledwith a bridle like a beaíl to the fhambles,and (laughter at and3 .z°? Nineue.TheEgyptians were refolued topurfue Ifrael vntil they ouertooke them,& to put them to the fwordwhen they caught them,and to take thefpoile oftheir goods,when they had flame them:but the waters were firll topurfue themfelues, &death to ouertake them,and the fea tohaue the fpoileoftheir bodies,and hell to make a pray oftheir foules. Verf.8.The iuJi efcapeth out oftrouble,andthewicked hallcome in hisfl'ead. GOds fauour & goodnes doth not free his feruants from af- fli&ions,but deliuereth them out ofaffli&ions. Whereinto he cafeth thewwicked,though they be not alwaies ofthe fame kind with thofe which the godly fuffer,but worfeand more du- rable,and fuch as are mixed with Gods wrath,& poifonedwith the fling oftheir owne euill confcience. Though the affliaions ofgood men feem (harp,& grieuous Doc, yet they are not perpetuall. . Before euer Godbring his into troubles,hee appointeth how they flail be preferued in them,andpafethorough them,& get out ofthem.He doth as well forefee their arrivall,as their laun- ching forth,and the endofthe boiferous formes which they muff indure,afwel as thebeginningand entrance thereof.Many prai,u.3., orgreat are the troubles ofthe righteous, but the Lorddeliuereth him out ofall. Neither number, nor grieuoufneffe, nor continu- ance ofcroffes,norpower ofperfecutors,nor anyother impedi- ment - _