24 PROVERts. C ap. ment can hinder his hand from helpinghis dißreffed feruants. Firf+,they will keepe no filencewhen theybein tribulatió,they afons. will cry vnto God,and bemone their cafe vntohim,that he may take their caufc intohis hands. Neither is it any waiwardnes in them,but wifedome,and their bounden duty fo todo:for he cal- leth themunto him,and commandeth them tomake their com- plaint:Call uponsne,faithhe,in theday of trouble :fowillddeliuer thee,and thoufhaltglorifieme.Pfal.5o. t 5. Secondly,all Gods people arepetitioners for euery one, and euery one for all :fo that no memberof Iefus Chrifl wanteth friends to follicite his caufe,and to deale effeéuallyforhim. Thirdly,theLordhimfelfe beholdeth their teares, and fora rowes,and fuffrings, hee heareth their moft fecret fighes and groanes,his compaffion is towards them : hee is able to helpe them,hee promifeth to deliuer them, and therefore from his owne commiferation andpity, byhis might andpower, and in his truethand fidelity hee will Purely draw them out ofmi- fery. Laf+ly,their life it felfe is not perpettiall, but f`hort & offmall continuáce,& therfore howcan it be that their troublesfhould be endles,oranywayoflongdurance?It is an euerlafling truth whichtheholy fpirit publifheth in the Reuelation ofS. John: e,¡4,13. Blefedare the deadrvhich die in the Lord..for they refsfrom their labours,that is fromall kinds offorrowes and fufferings. Reproofe oftheir folly which feek topreuent troubles,or to (hake them offby fhiining theduties ofrighteoufnes.As though righteoufnes were not a lure friend todeliuer men,but a treche- rous aduerfary to betray them. As though it were a matter of great peril+ topleafe God, and the only way for fafety to pro- uoke him.As though thebeameans of defencewere todifarme ones felfe,andto be weaponed and armed,were to expofe him- felfe to thefhot and firokes ofhis enemy.Andyet this coward- ly heart,and erroneousmind is invery many,that they dare not addió thernfelues flri6tly to euery feruice ofpiety and iuf+ice, leaf+ they fhould cafe themfelues into fnares, and troubles, and t.333.14' molef+ations. They are not perfwaded by S.Peters tefliniony, that no man canhurt thé,iftheyfollow that which is good,nei- ther 7