raft. S. PROVERBS. 2S theybe they affeaed with his confolation,thatbleffed are they, if they fuffer for righteoufne(fefake. Comfort to them that are toffedwith the waues oftroubles, and aduerfities byperfecutions,temptations, andneceffities, if fearching their hearts they can find their vprightnes,and trying their waies theyprone to be righteous; there is no caufe why they (hold cal in qucflion the (late oftheir foules,or think their pref& cafe to be irrecouerable.Ifmultitude or greatnes oftrou- bles were to make Gods fauour doubtfull, then few iufl men shouldhaue it certaine:for he hash allotted them to all his chil- dren,&made as dueprouifion for themofcorrc&ió,as offood: and he that is alwaies,andaltogether without it,is not a fonne, but a ba(Iard.If it were not an vfuall thing for goodmen to be Hcb.tz, in affli6lions,the fcriptures would not fo vfually fpeak oftheir comming out ofaffliaions.Let noman therefore fay in profpe- rity,I (hall neuer bemooued : fo let no godly man fay inaduer- Ptalm.3 fity,I (hall neuer be rel+ored.TheLord taketh as Title pleafure to be euermoreaffli&inghis people,as a mo(I tëder-harted parent doth to be alwaies beating his children.Andas an indulgent fa- ther cannot indure to fec violence offered to the fhedding ofhis formes bloud in his prefence:fo neither will our GO D permit the wicked to fpoile and oppreffe the godly continually in his fight. When the mercy ofGodbeginneth to raife the godly out of Dolt. affliSions,his iu(lice is ready to cafl the wicked intomifery.The fanners areput into one faale ofthe weights,and the Saints into the other. When the one rifeth vp, the other finketh downe: when the one commeth from troubles to profperity, the other goeth fromprofperity to troubles.This the Lord telleth wicked níen beforehand,and will not faile to fulfill it in duc feafon.Be- hold,faithhe,myferuants&Hall eate,andye&hall be hungrie:behold, If'ai.4,t myfruantslhalldrinlZe,andye(hallbe thirfie : behold,myferuants (hallreioice,andyeeJhall be afhamed :behold my feruants&hallßng for soy ofheart andyelhall crieforforrow of heart, and (hallhowls forvexationofmind.It feemeth to them an incredible paradoxe, and a newes by far more admirable,then acceptable, that there wouldbe fucha tranfinutation of conditions on both fides, to E contraries: