ons. 36 R OV R : tip.II. cón'traries;bùt hedoth know that itwill be fo,& caneffeathat it fhall be fo,and hathdecreed that it muff be fo, & therforexe_: lateth the particulars with fuck certainty,as ifforthwith theexe cution chereoffhould be prefented to their fenfes. Firft,i.t is Gods ordinance,and theorder whichhevfeth inhis- proceedings ,that iudgement (hall begin at his owne houle, as. S.Peter teacheth,and from thence be deriued .tó thewicked to; continue upon them for euer. The medicinable potion, at the briintne of the cup,he will haue his owne children to drinke for theirhealth andpreferuation,but the dregges andpoifon at the bottome,his enemies inuft fwallowvp for their ruine & deftru- ¿tion. Secondly,troubles, feares, vexations, and torments are the proper portion offinners,they receiue not their childs part,nor enter upon their inheritance,till they fall into them. Goodmen paffe through them, as a deepe miry lane in aftrange country, but trauell home to their owne pleafant foile ofcomfort;but the euill and rebellious,gallop fwiftly in thefaire way ofprofperity andhaften to their own uncomfortable homeofhideous defola- tion andhorror. Thirdly,their malitious behauiour againft Chriftians, doth witha thong hand draw themfelues into mifery, and lift the others out ofit.TheEgyptiansmade it their exercife todrowne the children ofthe Ifraelites,and God deliuering the Ifraelites made the Egyptians tobe drowned. Haman caft about with all hiswits,howhe might bring Mordecai to the gallowes,and the Lord appointed in his wifedome that the gallows fhould catch vpHaman. And foRood the cafe with Daniels enemies, they weredriùenwith their owne flefli and family to feed the Lyon1 which they had appointed to Bate vp Daniel. The Edomitts were glad to fee the Iewes drink fobitter a draught ofcalamity as the Babylonians byGods righteous iudgementhad mingled for them;and therefore theLord would make the Edomites to pledge them in thefame cup, and was more fauourable to the lewes:for their reioycing-at them. For fohee fpeaketh to them both in the Lamentations :Reioyce,andbeglad0 daughter Edome thatdwelleft in,the land ofVz,,thecupalfofhall paffe throughvnto thee: