raft. 3. PROVERBS. 27 thee: thoufhaltbe drunkenandvomit. Yhypunifhment uaccompli- fhed,O daughter Zion:he will no more carrie thee intocaptiuitie. J am.4.2I. The doing of mifchiefe to good men, the attemptingofit,. though they faileoftheir purpofes, their withing ofit, though theydarenot attempt it,and their reioycing at it when it is effec- ted byothers all this Both afiuredlybring .mifchiefe bn fnfull mens owne heads. Admonition to the aduerfaries: ofthe Church; and Chriftid life. ans,that theydeale more mildly and moderatelywith them. The cafe is their owne,they prepare for themfelues whatfoeuerxhey impofeupon others. The burdens which they lay vppon their. neighbors (boulders mutt be transferred to"their owne backes: the breadofaffliftionwhich they prouidc for. theirbrethren, in timewill turne to their owne foóde : the little eafe-and dungeon wherein they (hut vp the innocent) mutt in time bee made their owne habitation. Terrorto vngodlyperfons in fegar-doftheir: dangero:us corndi- tion.Onely troubles theyffiiefrom, -tearing - rth_em more then lily Manner' of finne; xrdthetforeaccourit-the>lífe ofaffliftedCIr if}i- ans to be molt miferable:and trouble is that which . flyeth'as fait after them to make a prayoftheni,which alfo will make their fiate ten thoufaud times worfe then any Chriftians can be. And i. it fö come to,pairè imxb%s 'life, s many times 'it doth that the godly are lifted vp to.profrériity,.and'thevngódly{.mro gric ou aduerfity,what a change will there be, and contrariety oftheir eítates inthe i fe .to come. ' Which- appeareth in the.par ,hle of ' thentchinan,andLazarus:Here therichman receiued hiS plea-- Luk,t6 andi.Eirz.,ai s pail zhut tlïere is, Lazarus :inheauen, and tl 4 a rxcliiMin in hell:Laziz ru's is:iiri br, s bofornp.) n4:therich inaititi 'the flames offiro.L4z.artis (comfbrted;atifitherich triad tormented: Thebeí1man in.his bePc Rate hero of 'earth,hathnot a'full.inlarger'nent,but+bnely enio yeth libertyofth:eprifon,. and the:worft man in his :worfi flare is not yet comet() execution,but osiely.,dtreth-ill_ )á :f erkes :Butthe( moll; perftit A. d çbf41.144 itifferbiclermlehougt will ladaetrie_)day thOt fatilittand3bodyiathwaimits flralk `` E z mortality,