Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

3ó PROVERBS. mortality,and foule and body offinfiall creatures (hall be ouer- whelmed withfhatne,and perpetual) contempt. Andherewith the Apof}le comforteth thepoor perfecutedTheífalonians;Itis a righteous thingwithGod, faith he, to recompence tribulation to them that troubleyou,and toyou which are troubled reft withvs, when the Lord Iefus Chrilifhallfhew himfelfefrom he.zuen withhis mighty Angels,&c.2.Theff. i.6.ß.8.9. Io. Confolation to poore helpleffe perfons, if they bee alto harmles,that can find no friends whichwil or canprocure them deliuerance out oftroubles.Few good are to befound that take -to heart the fufferingsofpoore innocents,and fewof. thofe that take them toheart,are able topreuaile any thing for them. But are there no wickedwhichmay be heard of? Haue they no ene- mies which doe moleff them? Alas, there be too manyofthefe euery whcre,the world fwarmeth with them. Then be of good cornfort,youmuff come forth that theymay come in, the place muff be yeeldedvp to the right owners.Cannot ye get a releafe freely?will not intreatyworke your liberty? Aprice then fhall be gìuen,a ranforne (hall be payd for it,and you (hall be difchar_ ged.For fuch a promife we haue from God in this booke :the wicked(hall be a ranfome for the iu, ., and the tranfgreffourfor the righteous. Verfe.9. A hypocritewith his mouth corrupteth hisneighbours but the righteous fhallbedelsuered byknowledge. DIfferriblers,and fuchas make a (hewofgodlineffe,but deny the power thereof,are commonly molt hurtful feducers, corruptingmens heartswithhurtfull fpeeches,either deprauing that which is good,or iuftifying that.which is euill, and fo they infeé their minds with erroneous opinions, and ffirre'vp their hearts to finfull luf+s,andperuert their waieswith vngodlybe- hauiour.But now topreuent the feares ofthegood,that theyal- áo are like tobe drawn intomifchiefe,becaufe there are fo many hypocrits,and to take awaythe cloaksand_ íhifts from thewic- ked,which layall the blame-of their fins on=otherswhich rnif- leadthem,heefheyvetinitte : manes whereby this hurt may bec auoydeda