rev (.9. ROVERBS. 29 auoyded,and that is, by getting knowledge, andbeing righte- ous. Vngodly men are neuer moremifchieuous thenwhen theyput -1)051.I. on the vizzardofgodlines.Though this may beproued by ma- nifold teftimonies,as well out ofthe old teilament as the new, yet we will rather exemplifie it by the experience ofthe times, thenby allegations offcriptures.Through all thebooks before Chris},the falfe prophets are almoft euerywhere complained of. In the time ofour Sauior,the Prieas, Scribes and Pharifes ofall others were hisbittereft enemies. The Apofiles found none fo dangerous as falfe Apofiles,and fuch as took vpon them tobee p:ofeffors andpreachers.Paul,Peter,Judeand John are moil am- ple ingiuing admonitiôs tobeware ofthem.Euer fince that time therehaue been fprings,ftreames,flouds,and feas offuperflition; idolatry,violence,and all abomination in the kingdom ofAn- tichrifi:and all vnder pretenceofthe Churchesauthority,zeale, deuotion and good intendment. Firft,fuch are very forward andbulle in this feruice ofSathan Reafon (for diligent theyare not to be efteemed,vnles they werebetter exercifed)and therefore the more hurt andmifchiefe they doe. That Jeremy obferued in the wicked deceiuers of his age,that they taught their tongues tofpeake lies,andtookegreatmines to do Iercm,9.5 wickedly .And that our Sauiour reprooued in the curfed Scribes, & Pharifes ofhis age,that theycompafedfeaandland to makeone oftheirprofeffien:andwhen he was made they made him twofold Math.23. more the child ofhellthen themfelues.. Secondly,they arevery deceitfull,and cunning:and therefore 2. the fcriptures compare them to crafty gamefters, and fowlers, which catchmore birds artificially by lime-twigs, grinnes, and nets then they kill violently by throwing hones at them. Of theft guilefull perfons theApofile fpeaketh, laying : fuchfalfe 4poftles aredeceitfullworkers,and tranfforme themfelues into the Apotles ofChrifr.Andno marueil:for Satä is trapffarmedinto an Angelloflight.Thereforeitis nooreat thing, though his minifters tranformethemfelues,as though theywere themixrtersofrighte oufnefe. Theyare the more venemous, by how mush they are leffe E 3 mlftrufted