Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

30 miftrufledfor the opinion that is hadofthemfor piety & good..; neffe,doth prepareapaiage for their poyfon, to enter into,thè, bowels ofinens foules.Whenthey are reputed for godly,religi_ ouswife,and iudicious,all is receiuedwhich they fet abroach,al is difliked which theyfet againfl. It is an eafiematter for a mats to loofe his purfe,whenhe followeth the robber as guide ofhis way.It is an eafie matter for a man to loofe his life,when hema., keth a poyfoner,andhis enemy tobe.his Phyfition. Inflruaion tobe verywary that their peflilent breath itsfe& not our hearts,tokeepour cares fr6 hearkning to theirperfwa_ fions,as much as wewould refrainfrom one that had theplague forevpon him.Whén Woölues.will put, 'on Sheep skins; when thorneswill takevponthem to be vines, when :willbe fig trees,andeuill workershaue the place ofProphets,then out Sauiour admonithethvs to look toour felues, and takeheedof them. Secondly, confolation if wee, corrupt nót others with :o:uis tonguesbutrather vfe the toheale'the corrupted,this de,clareth that weare neither Openlywi.c ted in behau,ior,nor fecretlyhÿ ) pocriticallinheart:för a holefometongue is euermore a certain note ofan vprightcanfcience.: , Butthe righteous',&è.Though the tongue of the wickedbeea j deadlyweapon todoehurt:yet.the i{nowledge, of the_godly isa defenfiue armor to.preferuehiin from it The inedicme.which Saint Peter dòthprefcribe, withhis.`caueat to auóide the delufi- ons offubtil feducers,doth aftera fort makk'apromife ofreme- dyagair flthein;to fuchias fhal.carefully receiue it.Be 'are(faith he)leaflyeheplucked' away ívith 'the ; 'error , ofthe.wic(ed, dfall fromyourawnefledfaftneec.Bia:,grownngrace;and:in the:knordedge ofourLdrdandSauiour:IefusChrifl: /.1?et,34i'.i8... t :, Firil,Ignoranc:e is thatwhich giueth entertainment toerrors andall found knowledgeexcludeth them out ofdores.Whome dothytl efnciíifhwomá,otfölly herfelfe cal to.het feafl,butfuch ar.drefm ie?W hm nfdoth the:vtter -her,mindveto; but tofucb itikred uzçof isder dig?Andiuhom dotthehirkingcor- ner creepers fomuch pray vpon asjîtplewamen laden fimp v 0Afte t leadmid dîmerrb d Secondly,