ROVERBS. 37 Secondly,he will applyhis tongue to all thofe meanes wher- 2 by he may belt effect his delire, andprofit his neighbours : by prayers,by counfels,by exhortations, and incouragements,and fpeciallyby ítriuing againft the finnes that are among them. Gods bleíling vpon him,dothmake his. blefíîngprofperous to others.For wickedmen many times doe fpeede thebetter for the fauour of the Lord which dooth accompany his feruants. Laban knew,and acknowledged,that therein he was muchbe- holden to Iacob,not only for his faithfulnes andpaines, but for the good effe& and fucceífeof thetas. Iofephs mafter,and Iofephs keeper,and Pharaohs houfe,andall the land of Egypt fped the better for the goodnes ofGodtowards Iofeph.On the other fide in the finfull perfon,euery thing is otherwife. His tongue and talke is hurtfull and noyfome. He is wholly carriedwith felfe- loue,and private lucre.Al1 his endeauours be toaccomplifh his ownewicked purpofes, and his meanes thereuntobe vnlawfull andhurtful'. As he by rebellion hath prouoked. the wrathof God againft himfelfe,fo is the curfe fent out after hiJD,and brin- gethá iudgement many times vpon the place wherehe is,and the people that are about him, and the Country wherein he li- ueth. Inftru6lion to vfe all kindnes togodlymen,fincewe enjoy fo great ableffingby them.Ifthey helpe to exalt the City,let them Yfet be alto exalted in the City, or be well fpoken of, or hauegood affe&ion borne vnto them : at the leaf} beware that they be not iniurioully oppreffed. The vnreafonable creatures which are commodious to theowners,will euerywife man be willing to haue,and careful' to keep well.The infenfible treeswhich bring foorth plenty of good fruit,are husbandry dreflèn;and heedful- ly preferued,that nothing doe barke thebody,nor browfe vpon the branches,nor breake downe the boughes. Andíhall not faithful' men be regarded,which doe more good in better man- ner to greater numbers,for longer continuáce? Godforbid that we fhould be fo vnthankfull, as to requite euill for good : or fo improuident,as to hinder our good by requiring ofeuill : or fo foolifhand franticke as to ouerturne our former good, and change it wholly into euill and mifchiefe. For that is the euent F 3 that