3 that commonly enfueth vpon fuch as dealevnkindly with thofe who dealekindlywith them.This caufed Jeremy to turnehis pe_ cn1 I8.to. titions into accufations,andhis interceffions into imprecations Shall euill berecompencedforgood:for they haueJigged apitformy foule :Remember that Ifloodbefore thee tofpeakegoodfor them,and to turne away thywrathfrom them.Therfore.deliuer vp their chil- dren tofamine,and let themdrop away by theforceofthefword,&e. Reprehenfionoffuck as are fpoilers oftheir cities,and not ex- 2 alters;whichruinate townes,and cities,and countries,but erea nothing but their own houfes(habitations theyarenot proper- lytobe called,becaufe they feldome dwell in them) and thofe they make fumptuous for pride and oflentation._ Offuch the Prophet fpeakethwhenhe faith,that defolation&deftruitionare in theirpathes:they make hauockc of all that commeth within l'9 7' their walke,and lay all waf}e before them. And here the Iefuits, and Seminaries,& the whole crue ofthefe vnnatural,barbarous and cruel Papifis are tobe condemned, which doeas greedily thirf} after thebloud oftheirKing,& countrimcn, and the fub- uerfion ofthe kingdome and country,asany forrain enemies in their greatef;t hoftility arepoffibly able, Verfe 12. He that is deftitute of wifedomedefpifethhis neigh- bour:but a manofvnderfiandingwill keepfilence. AFoolifh. manwhich bath abeggerlyhart,as the words fg- nifie,being voide offound iudgement,& fanc ified know- ledge OfGods holywil,defireth to vilifie others,efpecially fuch as feare God,and tomake them appeare bafe and contemptible. And this is done fometimes in bitter anger,by rayling,reuiling; and contumelious reproches;and fomtimes in fcurrill mirth,by girding ief}s,and laughter; and fometimes in hidden craft, by falfe reports and flanders.But theywhichhaue morewifedome, will frame themfelues tobetterbehauiour : theywill not onely keepe filence from offering that indignity to them that prouoke themnot thereunto,but will alto forbeare to requite themwith reproaches,whichhaue not fpared to leek their difgrace.For fo doth I