111111Me.r a. 11 RO_17ERBS. 39 doth Dauidteflifie ofhimfelfin this cafe:Iamas man that hea reth not,andas a dumbman thatopeneth not his mouth.Pfa.3 8.13. They which are the moll contemptible perfons,are the grea- tefl contemners ofothers.As wifedorne aboue all other things doth make a man to be excellent. fo needs mull thewant ofit make him to be bafe:andyet fuck as corne not only too (port of the perfe&ion,but not at all to the beginning thereof,are ready to fport at them which arc moll graced with it.When the wicked commeth,faith Salomon,then commeth contempt,and with thevile Prou.18.3 man,reproach.None fcoffed fo much at Dauidas the abieáls,and the drunkards made fongs ofhim. None mocked Iob fomuch Pfalrra.3 S as the vagabonds who wereno beter then their fathers,& their fathers not fo good as dogges. They were thechildrenoffoules, and the childrenofvillaines,which were more vile then theearth. Andyet he.was theirfong,andtheir talke, they fpared not tofpit in bisface.Iob. 30.11.8.y.I o. Firfl,where wifedom is wanting,therepride áboundeth(as an empty flomack is full of winde)and pride bringeth difdainful- Reafons neffe,becaufe they conceiue ofwonders in themfelues, and dif- cerne ofnothingbut wants in others.Theblind bragging Pha- rifie was not a(harned to corne into Gods own prefence,to de- praue the humblepoore Publicane,whowas incomparably the Luk.i8.9 better man. Secondly,they are defpifers of God himfelfe, reieainghis 2 counfell,and callinghis wordbehind their backes, and there fore it is no flrange thing that they (hold offer defpite.tomortal mien. Thirdly,contempt is in al equity,their owndue portion,and God hath appointed in his iudgements, that they (hall recouer their right to themfelues,bymaking an offer ofit to others. Confutation ofthem which takers to be the fruit oftheir wif- Isle. i.e. dom,and ripenes of theirwit,to haue a dexterity in breakingof jells vpon men tornake them tobe laughed at.So far they think theyPhew the rarenes oftheir vnderflanding, as they canmake men to feel the keenneffe.oftheir tongues.But Godwhichbell knowethwho bewife,aiid what is wifedom, dothcharge them to be vnwife,and void ofwifedome, He towhom it belongeth to