Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

40 to conuincc fooles,and to punifh them, dothmaríhall thefe a.. mong the great fooles that (hall be punifhed. 2 Inftru&ion as to keepe our felues from the fociety of fuch companions, vnle% we be duely called intoplace; fo not tobe difinaied,though inour callings,and forwvel doing, they fhoot their bolts at vs. Their ilrongefl arrowes are but iUrawes, and their ftrongeft archers arebut dwarfes and Pigmees. TheLord 51.7.5. himfelfe'doth animate vs againft the greateft ofthemby the Prophet:Feareyeenot ,faithhe,the reproache ofmen,neither beyee afraid oftheir rebukes:For themathfhall eate them vp likeagar= rent,and theworme_Plicate them likeniooll. Ifaworme, and a maggot will prooue ftronger then they,and get the victory of them,why fhoúld theirwords bemore regarded thenwormes, aridmaggots?Ideots,andnaturals we care not,for though they fhouldraile vpon vs,and giue reuiling fpeeches:poorecreatures they are tobepitied,theywát wit,they know not what they fay: and why then fhould thefebe fo. much refpe&ed, which are to be lamented for want of wifedome, and fay they know not what? Vera 3.1-le thatgoeth about as a talebearer, difcouerethafe- cret,but he that is ofafaithfull heart,concealeth amatter. this place,and in the ninteenth of Leuiticus verfe 1 6. and IN elfe where the holyGhoft comparethbufi-bodies,and fuch as delight to deale in other mens matters, to petty chapmen, and pedler,which carrywares about,felling in one place,& buying in another,and twomarks oflewdnes he brandeth themwith, as firft,that theyhaue falfe and vnfaithfull hearts : and then that theyhaue loofe andblabbing tongues that can keepeno coun- fcll;but tell all that theyheare. Theywill draw onmen by their newes and reports to open their minds and fecrets vnto them; whichafter theywill publifh toothers. Frombothwhichvices hecleareth all goodmen,their harts:are faithful,& their tongues are filent to couer fuchmatters as lonerequireth themto hide,& duty and confcience do not bind them tolay open. A flanderous tongue'wili be is ready todefame themwhom it