Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

fpeakethvnto,as whom it fpeaketh againfi. It traffiketh alto- gether by exchange, it will deliuer nothing to you, but vpon condition to receiue fomewhat fromyou. It will neuer beare an emptypack,but defireth where ought is vttered, and taken out, there to take fomwhat to beput in,that it may haue choife for o- ther places.This is the caufe why the Lord forbiddeth to chaffer, or to haue anydealingat all with fuchminer ofperfons,though theymake fhew ofneuer fo great loue and kindnes towards vs. He thatgoeth about at aflanderer, difcouereth fecrets : therefore meddlenot with him thatfatterethwithhis Iips.Prou.20.19. Firfi,the fame caufe that mouethhim to relateother mës affaires Reafonr to thee,will likewife induce him todifcouer thine toother men: and that is want ofloue,a delire to beplaufible in fatisfying itch- ing eares,andhypocrife,making refemblance tohate thofe faits whichhe cenfureth inothers. Secondly they haue beene trained vp in that trade, and there- fore cannot leaue it:neither will they at any time negleel their markets for anymans fake. Thirdly,theyhaue not the power, and gouernment of their owne tongues,but Sathan hath,whofe gunpowder they are, and ifhe put fire vnto them, they cannot chufe but take.And that S. frames meanethwhen he faith,that thetongue isfet onfire on hell, that is,by the diueli that helliíh fpirit. Iam.3.6.Now he is a con- tinual' falfe accufer,andmakebate between. God and man, and man,and man,andfriend and neerefl friend, and therefore looke for no fauour at his hands. Iníiruaion:Firíl ifwee would be trufled, andhaue men im- tic. part their minds vntovs without fufpitionofvs,let vs auoide the difcourfes ofother mens infirmities,and labour rather to. pray for them,and heale thetn.Ifwe delve that anyman (hold powre his counfels into our eares : let him not fee anothermans dropping out ofour mouthes:for thenhe may eafilyknowwhat will becomeofhis owne.2.To be wary to whom. wecommit our fecrets:not tobufie.talkcrs,not to idle walkcrs,not to them Mica;7.ç. that are hollow harted.Iftheybebriars;and thornes,as ..Micah calleth them,ifthey carry prickes in their mouthes and guile in their foules,andfitine in their liues,trufl themnot,put norsonfi G dente