f'{ ond.i . deuce in them,keep fhutthe dores ofthy lips from the, though theywere friends,though they were counfellours, though they wereyoke-fellows. Efpecially let vs not côniunicate with them ingiuing them hearingof their vncharitable obtre6ations, nor trufl them inour f;crets:for it were 'tuft amid righteous that they fhouldbe difclofed andbrought to light for arecornpéce ofour rafh andvnlouing credulity. Ver.z4. where no counfell k, the peoplefall: butwhere many eounfellours are,thereic health. here in counfell)Where godly&holy inflru&ion iding thehart andbehaviour,&grave &prudent aduice for gouernment offlate,eicher domeflical,or publike,do faile,thcre thepeopledofall,that is,th.e gouernors themfelues, & they that are in fubie&ion to thein,do run intomany inifchiefes ofgrievous diforders,&miferable dettru&ion.For what in that cafe is to be expe&ed frô fuperiours,but violence & oppreffion? And what from inferióurs,but falfhood anddifobedience?And what fromallforts,but impiety and wickednes?Andwhat then fromGod,butheauy ftrokes andpunifhments ?But wheremany counfellors are,which be faithfull, and giue wife and wholefome counfell,& that is alfo imbraced& followed,there is helth,that is religion and iuflice,peace,plenty,& fafety, which aggrauate Godsgratious fauour and bleffing. Nothing is more neceffary and profitable to any fiate then good counfell, where this is wanting, there thebeautyand brightneffeof authority is away. The multitude ofmen, the wealthofthepeople,the flrengthofmunition, and the mighty force ofarmeswill little auaile,ifwife then be not imployed itr theweightyaffairs.And this caufedSalomon to .make fuch corn- parifons,thatlowly and fubmiffewords ofapoorewife man,are more to beregarded,then the cri.e of an vnwife ruler, with his fooles abouthim:and that wifedoine is better-then flrength,and' alfozhenweaponsofwarre Fir".íl;therc.is no-more fufficiency in any one inan,by his owne wifcdorne.without the affif}ace ofothers,wel toorder themat- ters